Saturday, November 1, 2008


Real Democrats is a grassroots initiative whose primary purpose is to inform and educate. Groups in all 50 states are forming for this worthy endeavor. You can be part of this important effort by contacting us through your state coordinator to take direct action. [See Contact Us] This website was founded to reveal the corruption and distortions of the liberal and biased media as well as others who prohibited the free flow of ideas and truth. We invite you to peruse this website, join in the conversation, and become involved. It is only by banding together will we get the word out that the treatment of Senator Clinton by the media and the tactics of the Democratic Party are completely unacceptable.
Through action and education we will take back our party -- one neighborhood at a time.


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At July 20, 2008 at 12:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ABSOLUTE PROOF OF A FIXED PRIMARY ELECTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Important new development uncovered by a Hillary Loyalist Now For McCain.
In early February Don went on record describing the Democratic Party process and the way the superdelegates roles should be played out. Now he writes a letter demanding we back Obama.
Read the whole story and watch the video you will become all the more determined to PUMATIZE the NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At July 21, 2008 at 11:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media isn't liberal or conservative, merely a tool for those who wish to buy and manipulate. We must return to the fairness doctrine that was abolished by Reagan and the republicans that has become the mouthpiece of the highest bidder.

At July 21, 2008 at 7:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, the liberal media, huh? I don't think any of you are really democrats at all. No, it sounds like you're trying to organize your own little Operation Chaos like Rush 'oxycontin' Limbaugh. You're really all a bunch of conservative republicans, right? Right? That's the only explanation I can come up with - no reasonable liberal or progressive would EVER vote for McCain.

At July 21, 2008 at 7:59 PM , Blogger Natasha said...


this was posted on Jihad Watch, Every woman needs to be informed

Obama to hire a "Muslim liaison," who insists that "American women need to understand that what is best for them is not necessarily what is best for Muslim women"

Since American women consider freedom, equality, and independence to be "best for them," does that mean Muslim women don't, or rather, wouldn't, if given the chance? "Obama campaign hires Muslim liaison," from Politico, July 21:

Obama's campaign has created a Muslim liaison, according to two sources familiar with the move.

The sources said the job was likely to be filled by Haim Nawas, a Jordanian-American who filled a similar role for the campaign of General Wesley Clark in 2004.

The job is complicated by the fact that Obama has been forced repeatedly to deny that he is Muslim, a situation that grates on some Muslim-Americans.

Nawas wrote in 2005 that the Bush Administration should take a more nuanced approach to public diplomacy directed at Muslim women.

"We need to recognise that the social structure in the Muslim world is very different from America's," she wrote. "American women need to understand that what is best for them is not necessarily what is best for Muslim women. Advocacy of women’s rights in the Muslim world must show sensitivity to local political realities."

Posted by Raymond

We recognize this rhetoric and strategy, as we've seen it in the far left before, this is the Beginning of crack down via intimidation on confronting Human Right abuses of women and girls living under Islamic laws, that includes issues such as FGMs, Honor Killings, Forced child marriages, etc.,

if Obama succeeds and this passes, we could very well see the same type of intimidation and legalities such as we are seeing in the United Nations and in the EU on limiting or restricting totally Any criticism of women's human rights. The situation in Europe as of now is Horrendous for women, especially Muslim women who are trapped in communities who live by Sharia law even though they live in Europe and Should be ruled by laws there.

Please pass this forward, we will keep you updated.

Director of WAMI
Women Against Male Imperialism, confronting the left-far left apologists and relativists and their complicit silence to brutal women's human right abuses.

At July 22, 2008 at 8:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said... has posted the following contact info if you want to protest the declaration that Obama has "won" the nomination. There is a letter there also basically calling us spoilers....etc.

Mr. Donald Fowler
PO Box 50627
Columbia, SC 29250

Ms. Alice Germond
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE|
Washington, DC 20003

At July 22, 2008 at 5:43 PM , Blogger LEL said...

The entire democratic primary was an absolutely corrupt process from beginning to end and the democratic party is a disgrace. The whole point of the process was to thwart Hillary, plotted by Dean, Brazille, Kennedy, Kerry, Pelosi and who knows how many others.

At July 24, 2008 at 10:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray! Finally someone with the guts to stand up to a biased and corrupt media and a manipulative and left-serving DNC. Let's take our party back and show these pretenders we believe in free and fair elections and a free and fair media.
It's now or never.

At July 25, 2008 at 7:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please wake up and see your "whiteness".

At July 25, 2008 at 10:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A sobering thought - - -

If Obama actually gets to the Whitehouse: Nancy Pelosi is 3rd in line for POTUS if something should befall the President and V.P. - - What then?

We would NEVER drill our way out of this nightmare. Everyone would have a windmill in their yard and solar panels on their roof. Then the environmentalists would come and demand the windmills be taken down as it is killing birds, insects, bats and the like and is unbalancing the ecological structure. Then we would have to take down the solar panels as so much cosmic concentration in urban areas would create global warming due to the magnification effect on the outer hemisphere; not to mention that it is blinding the pilots of overhead aircraft and throwing their radar navigation capabilities askew (in addition to inconveniencing the passengers who are trying to watch the movie).

Not having fuel for our vehicles, we can all stay at home bonding with each other (if we don’t murder each other due to constant proximity, we can get a divorce and give the kids to the judge since he has more authority over our children than we do). We will not be able to afford gas to get to a place of employment so any lack of conveniences due to lack of monetary resources should not come as any great surprise to anyone, i.e.:

--Heat (need electricity for that)
--Air conditioning (need electricity for that also)
--Phones (with the exception of I-Phones, of course, everyone needs an I-Phone, just ask the kids).
--Sanitation services (includes garbage pick-up - - without food there wouldn’t be much to pick up; also includes sewage, but then again, we wouldn’t have water or food so what is there to flush down the toilet anyway).
--Clothes (well who needs designer clothing when you have nowhere to go).
--Appliances (again, who needs refrigeration with nothing to refrigerate; and who needs a washer or dryer since we have no electricity or water - - or clothes; who needs a toaster with nothing to toast, and the list goes on).

Perhaps this is all a diabolical plot orchestrated by Pelosi, Dean and Reid to systematically take control of the entire USA. Maybe this conspiracy is happening in countries all over the world and we will all become robots (yes, this includes Obamabots also) to do the bidding of the “Board of World Directors”. Kinda scary, ain’t it!

P.S. I don’t believe Obma is aware of the remainder of the script in this bigger-than-life-production number the DNC has orchestrated - - if he secures the election for them, his bit part will be concluded and he will be joining the rest of us under the bus (only in his case he will have been run over by the bus - - poetic justice for a bit-player).

At July 29, 2008 at 10:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - after reading through the articles and exploring the wwebsite, it is difficult for this 54 -year old, white female Independent. (HRC's supposed demographic) to view you as anything but sore losers who didn't get your way and now want a "do-over" with new rules - OMG just like HRC kept changing the rules throughout the Primaries.!!! How amazing- what a surprise! Also - I wonder why her campaign debt isn't shrinking more whenthere are so many of you supporters still nursing bruised egos? Of course I realize, this isn't likely to get past the moderator - it doesn't support the narrow-minded focus delineated on the webpage. And just a thought for "valrie sommerville" - - when your granddaughter, niece, or other female family member is seeking women's health services - aren't you going to be proud that you helped elect the President that helped create a solidly conservative Supreme Court that overturns her right to choose?

At July 29, 2008 at 12:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Linda S:

Put a sock in it. You are not interested in “health services”, you are interested in pro-abortion. Instead of bombarding us with useless clichés, why don’t you check your facts and get in touch with the real world instead of walking 10 steps behind your lord and master, Obama.

Come to think on it, why don’t you sit down with your daughters, granddaughters, nieces and the like and discuss the facts of life, i.e., birth control - - - and the simple solution: why not teach them abstinence until they are self-supporting and in a committed relationship. Speaking as a taxpayer picking up the tab for these services, abortion is NOT an acceptable form of birth control. If you think that McCain getting in office is going to overturn Roe V. Wade that easily, you really don’t know much about the judicial system.

If your “prince” gets in, you will be paying healthcare for 12-20 million illegal aliens - - unless you are an illegal alien or a non-working citizen of the USA. You will also be paying to educate those illegal aliens from grade school through college - - unless you are an illegal alien or a non-working citizen of the USA.

You were told your “Robin Hood” will be taxing the rich (excuse me, but Obama is part of the rich elite, do you really think he is really going to tax himself and his rich friends?) and giving to the poor and the middle-class; research the facts for yourself and find that the middle-class will not be exempt from Obama’s tax increases. At this point you can only hope that you are one of the growing number of illegal aliens or a non-working citizen of the USA in order to avoid Obama’s tax program fiasco.

Before you blast me in support of the non-working citizen, I do not include people unemployed through no fault of their own. I do include: non-disabled people that have never held a job nor plan to do so in the future; drug dealers, prostitutes, people working “under-the-table” to avoid taxes but receiving welfare, etc. The burden on tax-paying Americans is staggering but Obama plans to keep adding to it - - wake up!

If your Obama gets elected, the price of gas will climb until most of us will not be able to leave our communities except for work - - say goodbye to vacations. His liberal party says it will only be about ten years before we can be independent with wind, solar and biochemical fuels; don’t they read their own hype? Their reason for dissing off-shore drilling is it will take us at least 5-7 years for production - - are they that stupid at math they don’t notice the discrepancies in their theories?

At July 29, 2008 at 2:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

for "andie said: - put a sock in it?? Talk about cliches. . . And how kind of you to tell me what I think. Let's see - my daughter (and nieces) are all married (committed relationships) - see they CHOSE that even with having the option to not do so - so looks like the values of personal responsibility, tolerance and - oh, yes - gainful employment are not only encouraged in my family - but learned as well - we didn't need someone like you deciding for us what is right. My daughter is a Career Development Specialist for TANF recipients and I manage a HUD Housing Program for the chronically homeless - so it seems likely we've already met your family members - Also - I guess, you didn't see the word "Independent" in my post -or maybe the word is juist not part of your vocabulary - given your reaction, it's apparent you can't think independently

At July 29, 2008 at 2:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

for andie says - forgot to mention, I do not appreciatre you stating that MY Lord and Master is Obama; my Lord and Master is Jesus Christ. (Obama is mentioned nowhere in my post).

At July 29, 2008 at 5:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Linda S.:

You’re blogging on the wrong site if you’re looking for a fight, sympathy or confirmation of your beliefs. Nowhere in my post did I diss your family as I was speaking in generalities, but you felt free to cast aspersions on mine. This particular site is for Hillary supporters and Democrats disgusted with the manipulation of the DNC and the MSM.

I’m sure you would be most welcome on, a site I believe would be more conducive and sympathetic to you as a non-Hillary supporter and a non-Democrat.

I sincerely wish your family every success and happiness in the future, regardless of your political affiliation, race, color or religious belief; but I will not support Obama for POTUS - - and neither will the rest of us on this site.

At July 30, 2008 at 5:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats primary system was and is, so vunerable to being manipulated and gamed, it suprises me that someone has not hi-jacked it. Well suprise. !!!!

At July 30, 2008 at 7:54 PM , Blogger NPT said...

RE Linda S.
What's her problem? I thought Obamabots said they don't need us Hillary-types? Are they not doing as well as expected? LOL! A troll. Yuk.
We're ready to move on, troll. We will vote for McCain since it looks like Hillary won't get the nomination. Please get over it!

At July 30, 2008 at 9:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do so many people assume that women's issues start and stop with abortion rights? Ms. Independent is an Obama supporter. She does a lousy job of hiding the fact. For those of you still interested in helping Senator Clinton with her campaign debt, her committee is running a "Have dinner with Senator Clinton" contest. Check out her web-site.

At July 31, 2008 at 12:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

On July 26, Anonymous said: wake up and see your whiteness (which was followed by a “my site” with an essay by Tim Wise).

I do not know why Tim Wise bothered asking questions which he obviously had all the answers to. Answers that did not mirror my reasons for switching my consideration from Hillary to Sen. McCain; it was the MSM and DNC’s attacks on Sen. Clinton with no apology or remorse from either. The name calling of b-tch, etc., could just as easily have applied to millions of Hillary supporters as a large portion of her backers were females (the name has certainly been applied to all females, whether dogs or women - - including, but not limited to: white, black, brown, spotted or calico).

First and foremost, the disgust I felt for the manipulation of the DNC over the course of the Primary was eclipsed by the DNC Rules Committee’s decisions on that fateful Saturday. To say it was my “whiteness” that made me quit the Party and register as an Independent is ludicrous and was based solely on the certainty that the Democrat Party was “a change I could no longer believe in”. To say that the DNC “selected” their own candidate with total disregard for the American voters would be more accurate. If my “whiteness” was an issue, I could have voted for the white half of Sen. Obama and not the black half (since I vote in a state that the DNC only considers me half a vote, I could have given that half vote to Obama and my conscience would be at ease).

In my state, the popular vote was Sen. Clinton’s, but the “paid for” delegates in my state (payment attested to by records on file) ignored their constituency and cast their vote for the DNC’s “selected” candidate instead. Backbone seems to be in short supply with regard to Democratic Delegates this year.

Sen. Obama caught my eye early on and was impressive; my original thought was that Hillary would select Obama for her VP and I would have been honored to vote for him as President in 2016 when he would have gained the expertise and experience necessary for the next POTUS. But, thanks to Tim Wise bringing attention to my “whiteness”, I find that I must never vote for Obama, now or in the future, or I would completely destroy Mr. Wise’s theories. On the other hand, I have seen Obama in true light over the last few months and I find his arrogance and presumptuousness both here and abroad distasteful; if that shows my “whiteness”, I guess I’ll just have to live with it!

At July 31, 2008 at 1:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be nice if a group like this could actually support Hilary where she needs it most right now: retiring her debt.

At August 1, 2008 at 12:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several of these postings have spoken to what I believe is a theme in the Obama campaign--that theme is, if you criticize Obama and are white, you are a racist. I saw that ploy used against the Clintons, Ferraro and others during the primaries. Now they are trying it against McCain.

The McCain "celebrity" ad merely emphasized what many of us feel--that Obama is more flash than splash, more image than substance, more talk than walk....To characterize such obvious questions as being racial is manipulative, dishonest and off point.

When Obama says that such ads are designed to foment "fear," because he "doesn't look like the presidents on dollar bills," I get angry. I consider manipulation one of the highest forms of put down, because it says, "I think so little of you, I am not going to even credit your perspective with a direct reply...." It is dismissive and that is arrogant, as well as hostile. Ergo my feelings about BO.

I also think that such tactics undermine the great efforts blacks and whites have made to heal racial divides. Playing the race card denigrates the work that has been done and those (regardless of race) who have made huge sacrifices to bring about racial equality.

Yes, there still is white on black racism in this country; but replying to it with black on racism is not the answer....

At August 2, 2008 at 8:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Gallup polls are exactly even now. That is giving the Obama camp concern, because after all the media hype and the fact he has been in the public eye since the beginning of the primary season, he should be way ahead.

I suggest that part of this problem for him is that he finally is running into is a reality check. Until now he has benefited from a biased media and demonstrations of unbridled sexism. Now his tactics of deflecting our attention away from his lack of substance are catching up with him.

The trip to Europe didn't work. The smug response to McCain's celebrity ad didn't work and now he is whining about being satirized in McCain's most recent ad:

These stumbles are showing that Obama has very little self-awareness and that he can make jokes at other's expense, but hasn't the self-confidence or aplomb to be able to laugh at himself.

In response to the fact McCain called Obama on playing the race card, both he and his camp tried to spin that by saying McCain's response was motivated by racism. Obama said he made his "dollar bill" comments when he was speaking in front of a "conservative, white" audience.... He somehow doesn't even see that in that response he has validated the charges made by McCain. In other words Obama substantiated McCain's charge that Obama's comments were meant to draw attention to his "blackness" in order to suggest that McCain wants us to believe that electing a black person is frightening. That is the definition of playing the race card. McCain, like HRC before him, never made such an accusation....

When the police pull over a car driven by a black person because they suspect without cause that he is doing something wrong, we call that racial profiling. Fearing someone because of how they look is the sort of scapegoating the Nazis promulgated against the Jews in Germany before WWII. Those are examples of real racism. Trying to win an election by accusing an opponent of being a racist, when they aren't, is sleazy and loathsome.

Obama apparently doesn't understand racism or himself....Lacking self-awareness is, also, one of Bush's great failings....Do we need to elect another president who lacks insight and understanding of the real world?

At August 2, 2008 at 5:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said it so very on point !!!! This ' RACISM " paranoia on OBAMA's side is becoming so boring and lame, it makes a person want to throw up !!! What in the hell is wrong with him and his campaign, everytime someone looks at this guy crosseyed or says something not just perfectly, they howl " Racism " !!!! He and his campaign must really have a very low Selfesteem, we sure don't need a president, where everybody has to walk around on eggshells in order not to be called a " RACIST ". That type of paranoia would cerainly defeat the mantra " a President for all the people " of this country.---God help us all !!!! Where is " common sense " when we need it !!!!

At August 3, 2008 at 8:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are interested in reading Michelle Robinson Obama's Princeton thesis, here is a link:

It has been pointed out that it was written at a time when Princeton was very "conservative." Whatever....

At August 4, 2008 at 10:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a petition out there for Michael Steel as VP to McCain. Now, this is a black man I can really believe in - - have been an admirer of his for years; wish he was running on the Democratic ticket with Hillary. Certainly has more qualifications than Obama both in education, experience and integrity.

I definitely do not want Hillary running as VP to Obama for two reasons: (1) she has more power as a senator and Obama would try to defang her as to make her almost useless to help the American people as she has always wanted to do; (2) Obama, win or lose, would just about make Hillary ineligible to run in the future - - a sad loss for the USA.

Check it out:

At August 5, 2008 at 2:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the idea of MICHAEL STEELE possibly becoming VP to John McCain. He is absolutely intelligent, sophisticated and really so politically just, a rare gentleman in a bevy of ugly ducklings.-- There is so much substance here with Michael STeele, so much integrity and logical observations towards the current political and economical agenda in our country, that one wishes HE would be the nominee running for office.---Well, maybe one day !!!!!

At August 6, 2008 at 6:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check this out ev1
Does this sound familiar

This will be considered off-topic — but it isn’t. I thought I’d share this letter which was sent to the Editor of the Times-Dispatch by a gentlemen who escaped Cuba in the 1960’s. His words come from the experience of believing in someone, without taking the time to know who they really are, and the consequences that followed:

Subject: Celebration

From Richmond Times-Dispatch, Monday, July 7, 2008

Dear Editor, Times-Dispatch:

Each year I get to celebrate Independence Day twice. On June 30 I celebrate my independence day, and on July 4, I celebrate America ’s. This year is special, because it marks the 40th anniversary of my independence.

On June 30, 1968, I escaped Communist Cuba, and a few months later, I was in the United States to stay. That I happened to arrive in Richmond on Thanksgiving Day is just part of the story, but I digress.

I’ve thought a lot about the anniversary this year. The election-year rhetoric has made me think a lot about Cuba and what transpired there. In the late 1950s, most Cubans thought Cuba needed a change, so when a young leader came along, every Cuban was at least receptive.

When the young leader spoke eloquently and passionately and denounced the old system, the press fell in love with him. They never questioned who his friends were or what he really believed in. When he said he would help the farmers and the poor and bring free medical care and education to all, everyone followed. When he said he would bring justice and equality to all, everyone said, ‘Praise the Lord.’ And when the young leader said, ‘I will be for change and I’ ll bring you change,’ everone yelled, ‘Viva Fidel!’

But nobody asked about the change, so by the time the executioner’s guns went silent, the people’s guns had been taken away. By the time everyone was equal, they were equally poor, hungry, and oppressed. By the time everyone received their free education, it was worth nothing. By the time the press noticed, it was too late, because they were now working for him. By the time the change was finally implemented, Cuba had been knocked down a couple of notches to Third-World status. By the time the change was over, more than a million people had taken to boats, rafts, and inner tubes. You can call those who made it ashore anywhere else in the world the most fortunate Cubans. And now I’m back to the beginning of my story.

Luckily, we in America would never fall for a young leader who promised change without asking, what change? How will you carry it out? What will it cost America ?

Would we?

Manuel Alvarez, JR.
posted by
Kathleen | 08.06.08 - 2:48 pm | #


At August 7, 2008 at 10:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post Kathleen, that really made my day a lot brighter.

At August 7, 2008 at 10:41 AM , Blogger NPT said...

As a pro-statehood Puertorican, you can imagine how frightening this last comment can be. Hillary supported the task-force created by Pres.Clinton and extended by Pres.Bush to study the political status of Puerto Rico, one reason she won there. BO states he will cancel ALL Bush executive orders. That means he will send our status study back to square one and jeopardize our future as US citizens. Please make sure you let hispanics know how BO will throw our fate to the wind, because his supporters in PR are as radical as he is! Clinton or McCain!

At August 7, 2008 at 11:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The case against Barack Obama - - A must-see sight:

At August 8, 2008 at 7:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


CNN ran a story about why some Clinton supporters are still not getting behind Senator Obama. His response was that the amount was not significant. Can you believe this guy? According to their poll, 72% of Clinton democrats are supporting Senator Obama while 17% are not. 11% are still undecided. That seems pretty significant to me. Anytime you get Rush Limbaugh to mention PUMAs by name on his radio show you're significant. The DNC will hear from all of us this fall.

At August 8, 2008 at 10:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just finished my 3rd chapter of David Freddoso’s book “The case Against Obama”.

OMG - - we have to stop this man. If even 1/4 of the facts in this book are true, we may have the Chicago Machine running unchecked through the Whitehouse and through our government coffers.

I wanted to be fair to Obama, but after reading only a portion of this book, I am frightened for the future of our country. I believe there is corruption in our government, but certainly not at the magnitude of Chicago. We need to get a reasonably responsible man in the Whitehouse; McCain says he will stop earmark spending and I think he is an honorable man and will endeavor to do so. If Obama gets in, I’m not certain that he will not create jobs and put unqualified people in position to drain from the American taxpayers to give to his friends and family (from all over the world); jobs they are neither qualified or eligible to have. Obama has done absolutely nothing to stop the corruption in Chicago - - politics makes strange bedfellows.

Although I have tried to research Obama and his past, I have neither the contacts nor the expertise to root out all the details online myself. This book does it for me, listing facts that I was not able to uncover not being an investigative reporter and not being from Chicago.

Why are the MSM not checking into Obama’s background? Why are the MSM leading us down the garden path to destruction? I know they are in the tank for Obama - - I just don’t know why. We used to believe the MSM was looking out for our best interests and uncovering corruption, but now they appear to be the perpetrators of corruption. What are they going to get out of pushing a corrupt, ineligible candidate on the American people? Just how corrupt is the MSM and who is pulling the strings? We already suspect that Pelosi, Reid and Dean are part of this conspiracy - - - or are they unsuspecting dupes by the Obama Machine? (I want to see their faces “the morning after” the election if Obama wins: he will probably put them out of the Whitehouse along with the rest of garbage - - and deservedly so).

At August 8, 2008 at 10:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the National Enquirer hadn’t uncovered the story about Edwards, the MSM would have buried it; I guess the Enquirer has to investigate Obama as the media is sworn to secrecy on anything derogatory re Obama also.

At August 9, 2008 at 7:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found this site. I am relieved that democrats are starting to understand what was perpetrated against Hillary by the media and that many democrats are fed up with a party that is lost and was duped by Obama. Let's go McCain.

At August 9, 2008 at 9:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

HRC supporters -- if you're feeling a special glow, it's probably because Obama fans are praying for us -- check this out from Obama's official website:

Note that Pro-Life Virginia is one of the groups!

At August 10, 2008 at 7:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read an article in our newspaper that summed up my thoughts exactly. If you are not voting for Obama you are a racist, right? What if Colin Powell were running, would you vote for him?

My answer would be a resounding “Yes, I would vote for Colin Powell in a heartbeat”. The paper went on to say that it isn’t a racial choice, it is a character choice. To me it is also an achievement choice: Obama has very few credentials and very little history in a senatorial capacity; Colin Powell has proved himself over and over again and has a few things Obama doesn’t, i.e., integrity, experience, likeability, honesty and a whole lot of character. If you are judged by the company you keep: Obama has friends that I definitely wouldn’t sit down to dinner with let alone acknowledge as friends; Colin Powell’s friends consist of the men and women fighting to keep our country safe and secure.

I knew in my heart I was not a racist and I am tired of Obama supporters trying to make me believe that I am.

At August 11, 2008 at 9:29 AM , Blogger Edgeoforever said...

This is an article that should be of interest - WaPo a bit belated in noticing:

At August 11, 2008 at 6:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

vcAbsolutely !!!! Its a CHARACTER ISSUE not a RACIAL ISSUE with OBAMA with us also, would Colin POWELL or Michael Steele be running for President, we would vote for them in a Heartbeat. These OBAMA Dunces don't seem to get it, that we just simply cannot vote for someone who has such a scary past association ( Rev. Wright, Resco, Ayres, Pfleger, Farrakhan etc. ) and such a THIN working resume !! It would be like hiring a Highschool kid to be the CEO of a huge Corporation, absolutely NO CLUE what to do. He would have to heavyly rely on the wisdom and the expertise of his cabinet and echo their advise and knowledge to us working stiffs !! So how good is that ???

At August 11, 2008 at 11:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you’ve seen the recent interviews with Obama and McCain re Georgia, you may well understand why some of us are voting for McCain over Obama. McCain is decisive with regard to the Russians attack on Georgia, and Obama(?) - - well, he was just being Obama with a stutter here and a stutter there (I guess his teleprompter did not go on vacation with him) and a suggestion that perhaps we should talk to them; and later a flip-flop saying we may need to take some sort of action (not exactly sure what he said as he has so many hmmm’s and hahhh’s that it’s hard to keep track - - by the time he gets to the point my eyes have glazed over and I’m well on my way to sleep).

I think we should send Obama over to talk to Putin - - now that’s a conversation I would like to be witness to (he’d probably give them Georgia, the Ukraine and possibly New York and California - - forget California as most of those OTHER celebrities out there are in the tank for Obama and he wouldn’t want to lose their support).

While we’re at it, why don’t we send him on a world tour to promote world peace and prosperity; heaven knows if the tax cuts he proposes ever see the light of day, we’ll probably have to immigrate to one of those country’s to get a job as our country will probably be bankrupt and sold to the highest bidder - - either China or Saudi Arabia I would imagine.

This Georgia conflict brings to light our desperate need for drilling here and drilling now. Everyone in Europe is frightened of upsetting Russia as they have control over most of their natural gas and oil. We need to be independent of foreign oil NOW, or as close to now as we can get. After being a loyal Democrat forever, I’m sad to say that I think I will have to vote out every darn one of them that went on vacation instead of staying in Congress to settle our energy problem. Better yet, we need to vote out ALL incumbents so our elected officials realize we mean business.

At August 11, 2008 at 11:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I have to admit I’m at a loss to understand why so many “well-educated” women under 40 are admittedly in love with Obama. Perhaps someone can explain this to me. I’ve asked them what issues he represents that inspire their votes and they just say “it’s not just because he looks good in a bathing suit”. Am I missing something here? Is the next POTUS going to be determined by some women’s raging hormones?

Please, please tell me that women have progressed past their sex drives and reproductive organs with regard to the future well-being of the USA!

Obama seems to have the same affect on college students (**well-educated) as well as women under 40 (**well-educated). I seem to remember that David Koresh and Jim Jones had that same affect on their followers - - and look where that got them!

** (Just what are they teaching in the halls of ivy these days? How to be stupid?)

At August 12, 2008 at 12:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real Democrats USA is a tremendous step toward righting some of the most atrocious political wrongs our country has ever seen. The incredible cynicism and hubris demonstrated by the DNC and Obama operatives during the 2008 primary continue to accrue at an unbelievable pace as each day brings a new onslaught against our political system of democratic representation.
Through myriad irregularities such as arbitrary rule making and breaking, voter fraud, intimidation and media bias,the suppression of news and the implementation of fear tactics against both voters and their elected representatives, DNC leadership has colluded with the Obama campaign and the media in an attempt to game and thus destroy our political system in order to install an unelected and unelectable nominee who lost the popular vote.
The time for action through organized involvement is long past due and it is crucial to our way of life that we ALL become involved in taking back our party and our country, one neighborhood at a time.

At August 12, 2008 at 1:20 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Over at Puma pac we are trying to help as many pumas get to Denver as possible. In true grassroots spirit we are getting creative. If you cannot attend the convention but want pumas well-represented, consider donating freq flyer miles. They will be matched with a Puma with limited funds to help them get to Denver.,

At August 12, 2008 at 8:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My theory about why so many women over 40 support Obama is two part: 1) Many of my friends are so anti-Republican that they would vote for anyone the Democrats put up, because they feel that any Democrat is better than any Republican. I don't agree, but I have had no luck trying to make the point that McCain is VERY different than Bush and that Obama, in fact, is closer to Bush in personality, training and management style. 2). It has been my experience that many women actually support sexists, because they feel that by submitting they will be taken care of. They lack sufficient self-esteem and courage to speak their own minds and prefer to defer to men in the hopes that by being submissive they will get a better deal than those of us who actual stand up to sexists. These are women who find it difficult to confront and to question authority....They are also women who feel threatened by accomplished, strong women like HRC. So, many of them were comforted by the venom we heard on the media. That sexism supported their need to put down another women who made them feel inadequate. The irony is that these women don't get taken care of, but get used and then discarded, when "power" no longer needs them....

At August 12, 2008 at 3:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think anonymous got that a bit backward - - Polls show that white women OVER the age of 40 are leaning towards McCain. It seems that Obama is having a tough time turning these women around to his side. The claim is that these women are not college-educated; therefore they are not intelligent enough to realize that Obama is America’s great hope for the big change. I say (coming from an over-40 perspective) that we seem to be the only ones that are looking at the facts and not how well he looks in a suit coat or a bathing suit). We are thinking with our brains and not our hormones.

College-educated women UNDER the age of 40 are voting for Obama; they don’t need to be turned around as they are mostly in the tank for Obama. Apparently they are not looking at the facts but how well he looks in a suit coat and a bathing suit.

Most of the black population will be voting for Obama unless they come to their senses before November and realize that he is only out for himself and his elitist friends and they will be under the bus with the rest of us if he secures the Whitehouse - - God forbid! They need to look at the mess that is called “Chicago” and how the black children are NOT getting an adequate education (and Obama seems immune to these problems in his own state, and which he professed to have been a “reformer”. Why didn’t he reform the educational institution for all the poor black children in Chicago?). I want the black population to tell me why they think Obama is going to change their life for the better when he didn’t change his own state for the better.

Obama says he is going to send everyone a check for $1000 - - is he trying to buy our votes? Are we that stupid?

At August 13, 2008 at 12:56 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Unable to make the Denver convention, but would like to see Puma's well-represented? Donate freq flyer miles. Puma pac is trying to get all Pumas to Denver who are willing and able.
Send them an email.

At August 13, 2008 at 7:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a petition that speaks to our concerns about the sexism that was demonstrated during the primaries....

At August 13, 2008 at 12:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Newsmax gives details of the Denver group and others planning Hillary events in Denver - - check it out.

At August 14, 2008 at 12:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the inception of PUMA and other web sites like these you have confirmed my belief why it is highly dangerous to ever consider voting for a female for president. "Hell hath no fury..." dangerous dangerous dangerous. Viral coming soon.

At August 14, 2008 at 10:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous:

The "viral" you're talking about must have gotten into your kool-aid. There is no help for you on this site - - try getting an Obamafix on one of the sites that caters to fools and obamobots.

At August 14, 2008 at 10:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when Hillary asked who you would want to receive THAT “call at 3:00 a.m.? Well, the attack on Georgia by Russia is as close as a Presidential candidate can get to show his mettle before Election Day. McCain stepped up to the plate and gave his assessment and proved that he was on top of Russia’s duplicity; Obama, on the other hand, stuttered through a very inadequate dialog, which he later flip-flopped on - - twice throughout the day.

And I’m sure the peace-loving community thought it was just peachy that, as usual, Obama wanted to tell both of them to play nice and take a time-out until tempers cooled; however, what if that 3:00 a.m. call was a warning of a nuclear bomb being sent over to the U.S.? - - would these same peace-loving people be smiling through a nuclear fallout?

At August 14, 2008 at 11:09 AM , Blogger NPT said...


"hell hath no fury..."

Congratulations! You are today's WORST SEXIST IN THE WORLD!

PS. This is not a unity site. Either you're a troll or lost.

At August 14, 2008 at 9:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why people can't understand why we are upset. I know why I am upset. I'm a woman who saw a woman running for office systematically cut down day after day, week after week in favor or a less experienced, know-nothing MAN. And to throw salt into the wound, women like Brazile (who I cannot even look at anymore) and Pelosi were complicit. This is all about women's rights/equal rights for me and nothing else because as a woman I feel we must get down to the heart of the problem. Personlly I think any woman who did not take offense to the DNC's tactics is totally out of touch with the reality that is her status in this country. 2nd best - unless we keep our voices loud and clear and if being considered obnoxious or 'sore losers' is part of the deal, so be it. I can only imagine what names the women who fought for the right to vote were called back when we were not even ALLOWED to vote and treated like property. Now we're just silent property because even women can't see how sexist this world is

At August 15, 2008 at 1:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its so amazing how DUMB the OBAMA followers are, they are totally blinded by the propaganda of the DAVID AXELROD machine that propells OBAMA's campaign forward in such a deceiptive speed !! All this hoopla is so remeniscent of another tragic era in our history, when the PROPAGANDA MACHINE was sucking in practically the whole world, the people were totally and blindly following the call of the wild, and all the GLITZ AND GLAMOUR ended in wasted STUPOR !!! Wake up and let history be your GUIDING LIGHT !!!

At August 17, 2008 at 12:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

After seeing and listening to both candidates in the FAITH FORUM hosted by Rick Warren, it becomes clearer every minute that our next president should be John McCain. By comparison, OBAMA's conversation was philosophical, unclear and lifeless, whereas MCCAIN was symbolic, assertive and knowledgeable.-- Its a shame that we have to forgo Hillary Clinton, who is so practical and has so much empathy for the american way of life. She understands the american people and the issues that surround us.--We don't get that from OBAMA, he is so green and naive, seems like all he knows and talks about is the " SOUTH SIDE OF CHICAGO ".-- He really needs to put Hillary on the ticket to give it some balance and some meat !!! Without her, he looks like an AIRHEAD, always in CELESTIAL CLOUDS !!! its going to be difficult to vote democratic this time !!!

At August 17, 2008 at 3:00 PM , Blogger NPT said...

I agree with previous post: The Faith Forum was very effective in illustrating BO's ability, or lack of it. Sad and scary. After dissing Hillary, he basically says MICHELE and his "typical white woman" grandma will be a among his most trusted advisor. Pathetic. McCain will not jeopardize his ability to work across the aisles by pushing divisive issues like Roe V Wade. He is our best choice.
The nomination process at the convention is totally rigged and will not produce or even HONOR Hillary Clinton. Prepare to vote McCain. And guess what? I won't tolerate ageism either, so if John does a good job, he'll get my vote in 2012,too. PUMA!

At August 18, 2008 at 12:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This election has brought out the worst in so many of us. I must admit that I find Obama’s camp of bloggers rather on the nasty side; I do not go on pro-Obama sites and spew such hate for them, but I find they have invaded our sites with much contempt. I must admit their atrocious spelling and misuse of the English language is a sad commentary on our educational system.

I find this election has brought out racists in so many people who were not formerly racists. I blame the DNC for that. I also blame the DNC for taking down the Democratic Party with their manipulations and partialities and their self-serving agendas.

I have never been a racist - - before, but I feel that I am being forced to make a choice; I can’t become black overnight just by waving a magic wand - - so I must be a racist just by the fact that I was born white.

Just because I do not support the economic or foreign policies of the Obama campaign, I am being labeled as a racist - - so I guess it must be true.

Even though I am pro-choice, I will never vote for a man that supports partial-birth abortions; but Obama supports this atrocity and he is black - - so I guess I must be a racist.

I will never vote for a man that claims kin to Odinga who stood by and watched his disenchanted followers rape and pillage and burn alive Christian women and children who sought refuse in a church; a man that wants to put his women back in slavery and gives his allegiance to terrorists trying to take down America - - so I guess I must be a racist.

I will cast no vote for a man that has a record of sponsoring bills that give money to slum landlords and redirecting money to known criminals in exchange for campaign contributions - - so I guess I must be a racist.

A man that has extreme radical friends like Bill Ayers, the Prof that planned the Pentagon bombings but has yet to be held accountable and who is teaching our children how to hate America will never get my vote - - so I guess I am a racist.

With spiritual advisors such as Fr. Phlegar and “goddamn America” Rev. Wright, I could never in good conscience vote for Obama - - so I guess that makes me a racist.

Obama claims to be a Christian, but he only became one approx. 20 yrs. ago - - what was he before that? If he wasn’t a Muslim (which by itself is not a bad thing), was he an atheist, a Buddhist, a Jew or perhaps a Hindu? If Rev. Wright was the catalyst for Obama being Christened and Rev. Wright goddamn’s American - - does Obama also goddamn America? Where are Obama’s loyalties? - - does anyone really know?

At August 18, 2008 at 4:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading comments after comments from the obviously uneducated OBAMA Entourage, I have come to the conclusion that all of us " WHITE HONKEYS " are RACISTS. Never mind that we don't have a racist bone in our body, just one look at us, our WHITE FACE, and bingo !!! we are automatically thrown into the same simmering kettle !! Just take a look and a listen to the now oh so famous Rev. Wright, his hatred towards us speaks VOLUMES, and in good conscience it is inconceivable to me to vote for OBAMA, who sat for 20 years in that church, was married there, had his children baptised there, all with the Blessings of a man that hates his country and some of its people, and OBAMA never flinched an eye, was even reluctant to leave only after political pressure. NO THANK YOU !!! BAD CHOICE !!!

At August 18, 2008 at 1:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This week I encouraged 5 people NOT to vote for Obama. It was easy since most of them were voting for an empty suit with a brilliant smile and a brilliant campaign speech of empty facts. Most of these people didn’t have a clue where Obama stood on the issues so I felt it my duty to wake them up and educate them accordingly. After reading “The Case Against Obama” and researching those facts for myself, I was well-armed for the task of Obama-deprogramming.

Although I couldn’t and wouldn’t try to coerce them to vote for McCain if they were not so inclined, I could suggest they might consider voting for anyone other than Obama. Some thought they might vote for Nader instead; mathematically, folks out there are thinking that would be a wasted vote and only helps the winner which could be Obama, but I look at it from a different perspective: 2 NON-Obama votes is equivalent to one vote for McCain.

So - - - My goal now is to continue with putting the facts out there since the MSM, being in the tank for Obama, are not going to do their job. At 5 per week for the next 11 weeks, I can potentially turn 55 Obama voters; and if each of those spread the word to 5 other voters - - - the possibilities are endless.

At August 18, 2008 at 2:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Obama should actually secure the Whitehouse, the MSM have a lot to answer for. Should the economic disaster of the Obama economic plan, as forecasted by economists everywhere (except the ones in the tank for Obama) come to pass, the MSM should all step up to the plate and take the responsibility for this mess that they helped the DNC to create. Realistically, Obama is never going to implement his plan as he would not only be taxing all his elitist friends but he would be taxing himself. I submit to you that his friends will be getting bigger subsidies and bigger tax credits if Obama’s in charge. He owes an awful lot of favors to all the people that have so generously contributed all those millions of dollars to his campaign.

All of the above could be moot if the Delegates at the DNC convention would finally do the right thing and put Hillary in her rightful place as the true candidate.

At August 18, 2008 at 2:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all you mothers and grandmothers out there that think the Obama family is so cute and comes across just as your average normal American family, think again. Do your kids go to a private exclusive school? Do your children associate with known criminals and terrorists? Do your children go to a church that preaches hate for America and for people of a different color? Do your children live in a 1.6 million dollar home? Kinda puts things in a different perspective - - doesn't it?

At August 19, 2008 at 12:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So OBAMA is going to reveal his running mate sometime this week !!! The only way this man gets my vote is if HILLARY CLINTON is on the ticket, if its anybody else, JOHN MCCAIN gets it.-- Without HILLARY, Obama is like APPLEPIE without the APPLES. I hope he has enough common sense to realize this, because all of us out there would truly like to vote DEMOCRATIC if the ticket is right !!!

At August 19, 2008 at 7:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing that I suggest we need to keep reminding ourselves is that the presidency isn't (yet) a dictatorship. It appears that it is more powerful than it actually is designed to have, because we have had congresses that have "allowed" the president to do more than he is entitled to do according to our constitution.

I am hoping that we will get a Democratically strong Congress (60 in the Senate is really important) and McCain as president. With that combination we have a good chance of actually seeing some checks and balances that will be in our country's interest.

I do not think it would be a good thing to have a Democratic president and a Democratic congress--just as it was extremely bad for the country when we had Republicans in charge of those two branches of government.

With balance restored it really doesn't matter what each candidate now says his "policies" are, because he will have to work with Congress to get bills passed. That dialogue has the potential to fashion much smarter and more helpful programs than either candidate can actually articulate at this point in the process.

Without that balance--even if the power swings to the Democrats--we could be in real trouble. What this primary season has demonstrated is that the Democratic Party is just as corrupt and manipulative, as the Republicans have been under the Bush/Cheney leadership. Power corrupts everyone, when it isn't checked....

At August 20, 2008 at 12:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A year ago I would have agreed that we need a Democratic House and a Republican President (or visa versa); however, now I am not convinced that this would be at all advantageous for our country. Currently our Dems have been in office for two years and all they’ve managed to do was pass useless bills and a whole bunch of earmarks for themselves under dark of night over the weekend. Sorry, but I’m a whole lot disappointed with the corruption of the Democratic Party both in their past performance and in their massive mistreatment of the Primary with the ultimate outcome being the bogus appointment of Obama for President.

Obama is coming to realize that he has made so many faux pas (not to mention the outright lies) that he may very well consider Hillary as his VP. I hope to God she does not accept. If perhaps they would consider Hillary as President and Obama as VP, that would be acceptable. I’m still hoping that Obama’s past ethical misconduct and moral indiscretions will resonate with the delegates/super delegates and we will see an exodus from the Obama camp to Hillary’s.

At August 20, 2008 at 2:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a SAD day in America when THE CANDIDATE for the presidency of America has to constantly DEFEND his PATRIOTISM !!! Just ONE look at his past should already be the ANSWER for all of us ( Rev. Wright, Ayres, Farakhan,) what a goon that man is. And now all this controversy with his stand on ABORTION. There just doesn't seem to be an end to this guys unorthodox behavior and mindset. ---We are supposed to entrust our beloved country to this WEIRDO ??? I don't THINK SO !!!

At August 20, 2008 at 10:19 AM , Blogger NPT said...

I agree with the last Anonymous comment that we don't want to give Democrats full control-not this year! If Hillary was the top of the ticket, then yes, because she's qualified to make the best policy decisions and would insure fairness to minority views. But a power hungry man like Obama will only abuse that power. We CAN'T vote for him, people! Please, not even if our beloved Hillary is on the ticket. She must understand.

At August 20, 2008 at 10:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For too long now we have the two Parties who manage to distort their credentials and their objectives so we can be duped into voting them in office. Once they secure the post they spend most of their time in office planning their next campaign; therefore accomplishing little, if any, of the promised changes. So - - why should we think this year would be any different regardless of which Party gets in as President, Senator or Congressman? They will most likely forget their promises to we the people and do what they have been doing all along - - nothing that doesn’t pertain to their own comfort and well-being.

Perish the thought that we should have a Democratic President with a Democratic House. We will never secure independence from foreign oil and, regardless of what Obama says now, he will most likely try to overturn the infanticide bill to make partial-birth abortion protection a thing of the past; in addition to overturning the bill to protect doctors and nurses that prefer not to participate in abortions (a law currently on the books and which Obama wants to abolish).

If Obama wins the November election, Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean will run rampant through our government reeking havoc on the U.S. We will be paying for the education and well-being of 12-20 million illegal aliens while some of our own children go hungry, without medical attention and will never see the inside of a college classroom; with open borders, drugs and crime from Mexico will surpass our own criminal statistics and make drugs even more accessible; with the windfall profit taxes; gas prices will go up again only it will probably surpass everyone’s expectations (the companies and the share holders never lose - - besides, a lot of average American retirees benefit from those profits); the cost of living will skyrocket and the middle-class will be screwed again paying higher capital gains taxes on their pitiful retirement

At August 21, 2008 at 9:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I sent this letter to Senator Obama and the DNC Leadership

August 19, 2008

To Senator Barack Obama and the Democratic Leadership:

As a lifelong socially liberal, fiscally conservative democrat, I handle my civic duty quite seriously. I always do my political homework. Having been a neurochemistry researcher at NYU before becoming an RN, I look for and consider all the pertinent information on each candidate that I can find.

I pay little attention anymore to the liberal or conservative media, campaign or corporate spin, defaming emails, skewed political ads or any other such ridiculous material. Money spent by anyone engaging in this is wasted and every politician participates in this. That includes you, though others may miss it due to your skilled delivery. I particularly search for verifiable records, voting history and for independent journalist sources that repeatedly demonstrate integrity.

While I believe it is unlikely that you might actually read or hear about this letter and I have even a lesser belief that you may actually consider this, I felt compelled to make a final attempt to communicate, even plea with you to listen and try to understand many who share my dilemma.

You are about to announce your choice for Vice President and I believe this is my last opportunity to ask you to consider what so many others and I hope you will consider. I can hardly sit on this computer for more than twenty minutes at a time due to recent surgery, this is extremely important. While I am old enough to know that the possibility of your consideration is slim, I must maintain the small hope that perhaps you will read this and really try to understand what I will share with you.

I care deeply about our country. I believe that all of humanity will be impacted by this election. Our country has been nearly decimated in so many ways and it is actually painful to see this fabricated isomer of the United States. Our beloved and beleaguered country has been contorted and held out to the world as a replacement for the true democracy many of us remember and know it could be. I am not so jaded that I have completely lost the dream that was America, nor am I naïve enough to believe we ever really achieved the majority of principals that would make it so but, oh, we have come so much closer to that ideal at times.

I am just a citizen who is writing to you in honesty and with sincerity. Though I have had a very keen interest in politics and responsible governance, I have never been involved professionally. I would say that I do more than “average” to stay informed and really endeavor to make choices that I believe will best serve all.

After hearing your speech at the 2004 convention, I began to really look at whatever was available to begin to find out about you. Like so many people, I was very moved by your speech. I saw you as a future President. In my own mind, you possessed all the qualities that would make a truly great President. You just needed more experience, so I was thrilled when you took the next step and won the US Senate seat. I knew that in time, you would now be in the position to really become a great leader. Part of leadership is inherent, but nothing can replace spending the time it takes to really learn and gain a proficiency that nothing else can replace.

Then, when you announce that you were going to run in 2008…I just could not believe it. I was so disheartened-I cannot really express it. I had no other candidate that I was supporting at the time yet there were so many genuinely accomplished, experienced and dedicated public servants. Had you completed at least one term in the US Senate, had you sponsored and co-sponsored many bi-partisan bills, took hard and unpopular positions at times…you would have had me at hello. With just a little more patience and critical experience, you would have been the only one I would have considered.

This is not just an issue for me but for so many people and you know that clearly now. Sure, the campaign, the media and others would just love to have each of us suspend our own sense of self, question our own motives and integrity, but Senator, that’s not the problem and no matter what others or even you may have tried to convince yourself of, it’s just a problem of too little too soon.

Millions of voters share my sense of responsibility and are having the same difficulty. We all know that there are some people who are racist in both directions and some who are so committed to gender equality that their choice might be overly influenced by the package. That does not cover that huge amount of people like me who are seeking the most qualified person, whatever package they come in.

For many people including me, breaking barriers is a wonderful benefit of selecting a qualified candidate, so long as the candidate is the best qualified for the job. I have cousins, friends, colleagues and heroes encompassing many races, nationalities, persuasions and ideologies. I am a gay, white, 48 year old disabled female and I do not need our leader to be my friend or to share my style, or look like me. I need to see the integrity, sincerity, leadership qualities and experience necessary to competently execute the duty of the highest office in our country. Of course, I am more liberal so I vote almost exclusively democratic but I did vote for Mike Bloomberg on his first run for Mayor in NY as he had the skills and experience we needed in NY after 9/11. He was the best-qualified person.

The attempts by both the liberal and conservative corporate owned media and even by your campaign (at times) dishonors you when it claims that those of us who are not supporting your campaign are either racist or “angry women voters” etc. Those passive-aggressive attempts to manipulate or to pull out some form of guilt are truly beneath any serious leader or those whom they employ. The means does not justify the ends.

It took me several weeks of research, reexamining and truly scrutinizing the final two most highly qualified candidates to decide whom I was going to support. I finally decided upon Senator Clinton but that was not in any way and easy or quick decision. No media outlet was pulling for her and I grew so tired of the anti-Clinton propaganda that it certainly was not a decision by persuasion. Even having lived most of my life in NY, I look upon the Presidency as a solemn office so I approached it with a different mindset. In my opinion, the past seven years it has rendered it a horrendous miscarriage of leadership, so I was so relieved that we would finally have a chance at a fresh start. I realized that though she was a public figure and my own senator, I was honestly surprised at her level of substance, her accomplishment and many things I did not know.

While I would have some reservations voting for John McCain in the past due to his nearly consistently “conservative” voting record, he had my admiration due to his integrity. I certainly would never vote for him since the 2004 convention where he began to sell out his integrity. It seems he is not yet done doing that and like so many others, his desire and ambition have ruined him for many like me who pay attention. Still, I cannot give you my vote.

I believe you are a good man, a smart and ambitious person and with time, could have become genuinely great. I do believe you truly care about our country but even your deciding to run when you completed just one year in the US Senate truly worries me. That choice, given your experience, made me question your judgment. At a time when our country is in perhaps the greatest of challenges and perilous situations, how could you believe that less experience in government, diplomacy and working in politics could be more beneficial? Perhaps you will still eventually gain this experience, but I honestly do not think the office of the President, especially in such an incredibly critical time in our history, is the place for someone of such little experience with governing to roll the dice on.

I cannot tell you how difficult a position this is for me and I am certain just from my own conversations that so many other people are genuinely battling with the same problem. Some of the names that have been put out by the media of whom you may choose do not alter this dilemma. They report that you do not intend to have Senator Clinton as your VP and IF that is finally something they are reporting truthfully, than that is a terrible shame.

If you have the courage to do what is best for this country and not what is easiest for you, that would demonstrate a level of integrity many people would see as authentic. You could also just look at the polls. Senator Clinton has certainly had much experience in many capacities and she complements you politically. While Senator Clinton would not be President, she would certainly be an asset for the country and for your ticket. For people such as me, I would feel much more confident- not only because her voice might be part of your governing, but that you had the integrity and courage to do what is best for the country and listen to all those democrats who are hesitant to support you.

Now that is how Abraham Lincoln did it…he did not just say it and put in a safe person who might appear to be a challenge to his ego; he really chose his most ardent detractors. That is leadership, courage and the ability to really bring people together; not just rhetoric. We are so very sick of the appearance of courage and integrity. People want the real thing and believe me; many of us know it when we see it. If a majority of people are not buying what your selling, then maybe you need to check your fruit. It is the only way to know a tree.

I do understand that you BOTH did lots of slugging and I saw it on both sides. I am glad to see her out there doing the right thing and I do not need a biased media interpretation to sell me their agenda. I think that yet unresolved was how deeply you disrespected Former President Clinton. Before I supported her, before my choices were made, I was angered by what I felt was a kind of arrogance you demonstrated by how you portrayed a living former democratic President from early on.

Most distressing was that from very early on; you were disrespectful to the former President Clinton. While he was certainly not perfect and I had several issues I could address with him, he also did a tremendous amount of good for this country and he is a former President and our party elder. Your campaign seemed to want to make sure that you were so “separate” from the “old” Democratic Party that you really forged a new level of disrespect to a living ex-president. If I were he, back before Iowa, I would have really been angry with you and it only grew worse as you spoke so generously of other Presidents.

I listened to every speech you gave that I possibly could and had I not actually lived through the 90’s, I would never have known how much better everyone’s life was because many things he did. You were so intent of being an agent of change that you completely discounted every good thing we all enjoyed in the 90’s. It seemed you were only interested in stirring up only the negative and spun it (the flyers about Nafta were particularly disingenuous) and you acted just like any old republican politician in order to make yourself look different. Perhaps you convinced yourself that all the negatives were the only truth, but I do not think so. You are too smart and sharp to not realize that despite his own errors, he withstood 8 years of concerted attack and managed to accomplish some really important and good policies, some that you personally benefited from along with the rest of us.

I have much more faith and respect in a person who’s real dirt is out there and they stand back up, correct and keep learning and going forward than I do for someone who keeps making politically safe plays to look good. We have really had enough of how things look; I am interested in how they really are.

I had to hold my nose and pull the lever for Kerry four years ago. He would have done so much better for this country than George Bush but I am tired of having to vote for someone I do not think is the best steward. I will not do that again. Should you choose a Vice President for the main purpose that they make you feel comfortable and you ignore nearly half the democrats who felt that Senator Clinton had the experience necessary then you will not hear us any better should you actually win.

I have waited so long to get my country back or at least to begin the process. This time, for the first time, there has to be a compelling reason for someone to get my vote. I am not alone; so many of us are so tired of our votes getting ripped off, not counted, not listened to that we now will not just give it away. The person who wants it has to be qualified, demonstrate that consistently and remember that the Office of the President is a temporary job hired by “we the people.”

That person will get my vote. If I have to wait another four years to participate-, well I have already paid that price for the past eight years even though I did vote. Some compromise is necessary in life but we have learned to compromise away our most cherished principals. I will not do that so willingly any longer.

R. Wrenn

At August 21, 2008 at 9:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can NOT believe what I'm hearing on this site from "so called" Democratic Women that are actually thinking about voting for a Republican, which stands against everything that a real Democrat believes in and stands for. I would like to know how many of you are happy with the way our country has been destroyed by a Corrupt, Criminal, Reckless, War Mongering, War Profiteering, Constitutional Shredding, and Corporate Owned Republican Party who had Full Control of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Executive Branch for 6 LONG YEARS. The Democrats have only had a very Narrow Majority in the House and the Senate for 2 years not even enough to pass any laws they want because the Republicans block everything they try to do for the people and they don't have even enough of a majority to override a veto by the Republican President George W. Bush.

I can not believe after everything the American People have suffered through and how badly Our Great Country and Constitution has been damaged that any of you would even consider voting for Republican. Especially someone like John McCain who followed and voted in Lock Step with George W. Bush his entire term in office; after the way he was treated when he ran against George W. Bush for President in 2000. I can't believe that you would be willing to vote for someone who wants to appoint judges that would overturn Roe V. Wade, someone who wants to stay in Iraq and continue the bloodbath of our soldiers even if it means staying there for a hundred years, start another war with Iran and even speaks of starting another cold war with Russia, someone who wants to make the Corporate, Big Oil Companies and the Wealthiest of Americans Tax Breaks PERMANENT, someone who has no clue how to help the American People out of this economic crisis were in, someone who has no real healthcare plan to cover all Americans, someone who has spoke of reinstating the Draft if he needed to.

I think that everyone here needs to rethink about the consequences before they make the biggest mistake they could make by voting for not just another Bush term but someone who would be much worse. Before you make your decision you need to compare the plans each one of the Presidential Candidates have for the Economy, the Iraq War, Healthcare, Education, Global Warming, National Security, Taking care of our Veterans, Immigration, Women’s Issues, Foreign Relations and Paying down the National Debt. Then decide who has the best plan for the most important issues that matter to you the most.

I understand why a lot of you are upset about the way the Democratic Party handled the Delegate count for Michigan and Florida. I was also upset the way it was handled, and I also thought Hillary was mistreated by the Corporate Owned Media (Republican Owned Companies). I thought that Hillary would get the nomination for the Democrats and I and my husband were all for Hillary and Bill being back in the Whitehouse. I too was excited about the first woman busting through the glass ceiling and becoming President of the United States of America, however she didn’t get the nomination but I am Not willing to cast my vote to the other side to the Republican Party who are the very same ones who has all but destroyed Our Great Country. I will proudly cast my vote for a Democrat who has the same believes that I do and that candidate is Barack Obama. I will support him as I would have any Democratic candidate that won the nomination, after 7 ½ Long years of our country and the American People going through Hell.

I will never forfeit my vote to the Republicans after what they have done to this Great Nation that my father who fought in World War II to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and the freedoms and rights of all Americans . I am a middleaged, white, middleclass mother of 2 sons who lives in the suburbs and I and my husband will be voting for Barack Obama in November. I can Not take a chance on John McCain getting elected and possibly reinstating the Draft and taking my 2 sons to fight in another ILEGAL and UNJUST WAR like with Iran, which He and ALL Republicans are ALL beating the WAR DRUMS AGAINST. I can Not take a chance on my husband losing his job and having it contracted out like a so many others, and I can’t take a chance on my family losing everything we have worked so hard to get over the years like our home and I can Not take a chance on anymore of our Rights and Civil Liberties being stripped away from us and the American People. So many People have suffered under this Long Bush Administrations Fascists REIGN, we can Not Afford anymore Republican Control, unless your willing to give up your freedoms as you know them.

For John McCain has all the SAME Corporate Lobbyists, and Neoconservatives working for him as George W. Bush has had. Just research for yourselves you don’t have to believe me. Look up Phil Gram who is responsible for this whole Sub Prime Mortgage Mess were in now, and look up the rest of his Corporate Lobbyists like Mr. Charlie Black and others. I know you’re all upset about how Hillary was treated but please before you throw your votes away out of anger which Barack Obama had nothing to do with please research before doing something so foolish that the entire Country could suffer the consequences for anger that Barack had nothing to do with. Unless you’re willing to sacrifice your sons and daughters those of you have ones old enough to fight in War and willing to endure more of the same hardship in this country if you get John McCain elected. For those of you who so willing to throw your votes away on a Republican, I say you’re probably already a Republican who voted for Hillary Clinton just because she is a woman or your going to vote out of anger against the Democratic Party because you feel betrayed. But just think of the consequences for everyone in the whole country just out of spite against the Democrats. Just remember who over the years have stood up for the women and their rights (Not the Republicans). All I ask is all the TRUE DEMOCRATIC WOMEN do your RESEARCH on the ISSUES and DON’T LISTEN to the TALKING HEADS of the Republican Party. They will lie to you just to get your vote. Just ask yourselves these questions: Are you happy with the way this country is heading? Do you want the Iraq War to go on for a Hundred Years? Do you want another War started with Iran? Are you willing to sacrifice your children to fight in War? Do you want Healthcare for All or PAY OUT OF POCKET FOR YOUR HEALTHCARE? You can continue listening to the Rhetoric coming out of the mouths of the talking heads for John McCain who never gives you any details on any plans he has on anything. You can even check out his site and try clicking on each issue and see for yourselves, there are no logical solutions for the most important issues facing all Americans today. You can go to Barack Obama’s website and see in detail what plans he has for all the issues. Please don’t make All Americans suffer for your anger against The Democratic Party.

At August 22, 2008 at 12:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

THE WHITE HOUSE !!!! If OBAMA wants it, he needs to add HILLARY to the ticket, if he doesn't, MCCAIN gets it. Its as simple as that. HILLARY is the only one that would add SIZZLE and EXITEMENT to the ticket, nobody else.-- He can always tell the world, he's adding her because of UNITY and for the GOOD OF THE COUNTRY, and all the past grievances have blown away. Even BiLL would come around and be happy and supportive of OBAMA, all is forgiven.--- LA DI DA and the beat goes on !!!! its POLITICS !!!!

At August 23, 2008 at 2:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Shocks !!!! Barack chose old boring Joe Biden for VP, well, good bye WHITE HOUSE, all the over 40 yrs. women got slapped in the face again by the OVER CONFIDENT weasel, he sure as hell isn't getting our vote. We'll vote for MCCAIN, and if he is smart, he'll add a woman to HIS ticket, or atleast a goodlooking man, not some old decreppied GEESER like BIDEN. After all, looks does matter, and nothing is more sickening for a woman than to see an old duffer ( Biden ) next to a young KId, pretending to be president. What a charade, how could OBAMA be that dumb, this choice again demonstrates his BAD judgement and his STUPIDITY !!! But all this is GREAT for JOHN MCCAIN, our next president.----

At August 23, 2008 at 11:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Latest McCain Campaign Poster is here:

At August 23, 2008 at 2:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those of us who may have considered voting for Senator Obama think again. The much anticipated "text message" from THE ONE was sent at 3:00 AM as a dig to Senator Clinton. He continues to rub it in her face. Any doubts I had about Senator McCain have faded. Looks like he's our man. I must admit, I am happy that Senator Obama did not choose Senator Clinton as a running mate. When he loses, the press will be all over him about his VP pick. We, on the other hand, will be supporting her presidential bid for 2012.

At August 23, 2008 at 4:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all those abortion rights women who have been so vocal about their fear of McCain's negative influence on safe abortions, you should check out Biden's record:

"Rated 36% by NARAL, indicating a mixed voting record on abortion. (Dec 2003)"

Obama has managed to undermine his pro-women's rights credentials once more....I actually suspect he is less committed to safe-abortions than he says and than we realize....

At August 23, 2008 at 10:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous’ long, long, long, long diatribe was wasted on this site. So I will submit to her a long, long, long summation that anyone with a lick of sense would realize:

1. Bush and a Republican House have been in effect for 8 yrs. and Roe V. Wade has yet to be overturned. We are more than our reproductive organs so give it a rest. At least McCain doesn’t believe in partial-birth abortions as Obama does (as has been proved in Chicago).

2. Obama plans to give hospitalization to 47 million people in the U.S. - - 12-20 million of those people are illegal aliens. Not to mention that YOUR tax dollars are going to support these drains on our economy (or haven’t you been listening to the news where Chicago has spent over $250,000 for the care of an illegal alien and his relatives (probably illegal also) have hired attorneys saying the hospital is unsympathetic to this man because they want to remove him to a long-term care facility (preferably in Mexico, his country) at the hospital’s expense. No one said “thank you” to the hospital for such excellent life-saving measures, they just call them uncaring bigots.

3. Obama plans to give unlimited education to illegal alien children - - and who do you think is paying for that when our own children or their families have to mortgage their homes to get an education for their children.

4. Obama wouldn’t know what to do in the event we were being attacked by Russian or any terrorist country except perhaps talk them to death. He gives lovely speeches that say nothing - - I don’t think that will work with Osama Bin Laden, do you?

5. Obama wants to place higher taxes on capital gains. Excuse me, but most of we middle class retirees live off our investments and cannot afford to pay higher taxes; money we have worked long and hard to see us through our golden years.

6. Guaranteed I did not agree with the war in Iraq; however, we are there and we have to finish the job we started. Learned men say that sometime in the future we will realize that it was the right thing to do to protect our country and our way of life; who knows, only time will prove the truth of the matter. I take it you never want YOUR children to sacrifice for our country - - but I’ll bet you don’t mind if we send OUR children over to protect YOUR family.

7. Obama is a liar, pure and simple and is provable by his record in the Illinois State Senate. As soon as he gets in office he and Nancy Pelosi and Reid will kill the oil drilling vote as they have windmills in their respective heads. And don’t recite windfall profit taxes on the oil companies as their 9% profits are eclipsed by most other companies’ profits (probably where your husband works).

8. In case you haven’t noticed, Obama is being backed by most of the big money tycoons and companies, or haven’t you been listening or researching facts. Just where in Hades do you think Obama’s money is coming from - - the tooth fairy?

9. Where is Obama going to get all this money to pay for all these programs he is proposing? Even the most meager of economists cannot endorse obamanomics. Look at the mess he left in Chicago - - a real Robin Hood: he stole from the poor to give to his rich friends.

You cannot scare us into voting for your Obama, Real Democrats know it is now our responsibility to make the DNC accountable for all their corrupt and despicable machinations.

At August 23, 2008 at 10:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we just heard it on FOX !!! The reason the big O didn't choose HILLARY is because of wife MICHELLE,!!! Michelle hates Hillary, so consequently she was thrown under the bus. --Now the Big O can thank his wife for losing the election and everything else good that might have happenend in their lives.-- If he is this spineless and henpecked, we are a lot better off not having him as president. God only knows what else she wouldn't have allowed him to do for this country !!! Read THE OBAMA NATION , it'll tell you ALL about those creeps !!!

At August 23, 2008 at 11:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillary is just too slimey. She can't be trusted. Remember her so-called dodging of snipers in Bosnia? She's a liar. It has nothing to do with her being a woman.

At August 23, 2008 at 11:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

all the old women should just get over themselves... Hillary just sucks!

At August 24, 2008 at 2:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of us " older women " don't get over " it " for 2 reasons. # 1.. we don't LIKE Obama, and # 2 we LOVE Hillary. She is the only person running for office that ever acknowledged women as REAL PEOPLE, and not just a throwaway commodity like all the others do. Especially OBAMA, that man respects women about as much as a jackass, kick'em till they fall. --Look at that nice Lady in Chicago, he falsified and lied about her, until he finally got her kicked out, look at his pastors, Rev. Wright and Father Pfleger, mocking Hillary Clinton with obscene gestures, and OBAMA never blinked an eye.... What a fine piece of manhood he is, and this is what we " older women " should "fall in line" for ??? Never in a million years ........

At August 24, 2008 at 8:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you allowed the last two Obama supporters' comments to be posted. I had (almost) forgotten what knee-jerk adolescents so many of them are.

The venom and ignorance with which they have attacked HRC and other women only underscores their immaturity, superficiality and narcissism. They ought to grow up and deal with their dependency issues they haven't resolved with their mothers and leave us grow ups to deal with the real world.

I also have always found the fascination with HRC's sniper comments equally telling. Obviously they don't know what a lie is--it is an intentional misrepresentation of the truth. If they had more than pudding for brains they would realize that HRC would have to be as stupid as they are to "lie" about this--which she clearly isn't. She clearly made a mistake. Mistakes lack intention....On the other hand, the constant mischaracterization of HRC is an intentional lie about her and her record....

The fact that they hold HRC to a higher standard of accuracy than they hold Obama also is interesting. He has campaigned on the notion that he is conducting a "different" kind of campaign and now that he has manipulated the system and has stolen an election his followers don't seem to hold him accountable.

These spoiled brats need to stop playing games with our political system. They need to get a real life and think of someone other than themselves and what feels good to them....

Power to the Grown Ups!

At August 24, 2008 at 8:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to see such anti-immigrant comments on this website. I realize that Lou Dobbs hammers on these issues every night, but for all his talk and bluster, he really isn't right on many of his facts.

The truth of the matter is that immigrants contribute more than they take. Many pay social security tax which will never benefit them. All spend money in this country which benefits our economy. While a few are not good citizens, most are. Without their labor farmers are having difficulty harvesting crops which impacts both the cost and availability of the food we buy. Even Lou Dobbs benefits from the labor of workers at the stables where his daughters ride. Finally, most of these people would rather stay in their countries of origins, if they could support their families there. Our NAFTA agreements are among the reasons they can't find work that pays enough for them to stay home. This is a complicated issue with lots of gray areas.

So, I urge you not to just buy into the Lou Dobbs mindset without first thinking about these issues and realizing that these are people who are desperate--and if you were in their shoes you would be driven to do just as they are.

This is a country built on immigrants who for many, many years have made the same choices. My family came from Europe over a hundred years ago for exactly the same reasons. If there had been restrictions on immigration then as there now are, they would have had to resort to the same path. Isn't that true of many of us...?

At August 24, 2008 at 11:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - - you obamabots just cannot get it into your heads that you are not welcome on this site. Why don’t you stick to your own “mesmerized by Obama” sites? You must be very worried that your “chosen one” is in deep trouble and can’t lie his way out of this one as he has been doing for so long. Only you brainwashed hangers-on still believe he has a chance in Hades to pull this election off. The election is months away and only a fraction of Obama’s indiscretions and illegal dealings have surfaced - - stay tuned, the best is yet to come. I hope you’re ready for the crash that is coming your way when you realize you have been backing a fraud.

In the meantime, it is Sunday and you need to get to your nearest church and ask for forgiveness for the hate-filled messages that you are leaving on non-Obama sites. Your vocabulary could also use a little attention - - slime, sucks, etc., indicates that you are very young and not yet proficient in the English language.

It would also be in your best interest to apologize for your unseemly and unwarranted attack on Hillary as she is going to be the next POTUS in 2012 - - get used to it!

At August 24, 2008 at 2:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw Donna Brazile on CNN say that she isn't worried about us--former HRC supporters who refuse to support Obama. She said that she thinks we will all see the light after HRC's convention speech. All I can figure is that if she is supposed to be smart, then she has to be self-deluded.

What is it going to take to get it through her head and the other DNC leadership that this "situation" has nothing to do with what HRC does or does not do. They cannot blame her for Obama's losses....

I can't speak for anyone else, but I suspect I am not the only person who is going to vote for McCain because I have NEVER thought Obama could be an effective president. I left the Democratic Party, not because HRC wasn't elected the Party's nominee, but because she was elected the nominee and that election was rigged to over-rule the will of the people....the very people Donna Brazile promised to listen to. She promised us she would leave the Party, if the nominee was selected in back-room deals. I'm still waiting for her to leave....

Once again, my vote is not controlled by anyone, but me--not the DNC, not HRC, not Donna Brazile....I will vote for McCain, not because I am sulking about HRC's loss, but because I want the best person to win the presidency and I want the Democratic Party to get the message that I will not tolerate the sexism, racism and back-room dealing it has demonstrated throughout this process....If you can't understand that simple English, Donna Brazile, than maybe you aren't as smart as they tell say....

At August 24, 2008 at 5:22 PM , Blogger NPT said...

Thanks for sticking together for our rights: as citizens,as voters, as women, and LASTLY,as Democrats. BO's autobiography is full of omissions and his speeches are admittedly plagiarized. We now realize the lack of credibility is worse than the media is reporting-there are questions of fraud and his elegibilty to be Pres on top of the "judgement" he shows with his associations. If he defrauds us (see court case prior post) the Party may also be liable. Hillary cannot help him! She should just concentrate on her own problems and continue her terrific service to this country. We then will continue to support her.
Obamabots go home. Hillary or McCain!

At August 24, 2008 at 6:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really shows the GARBAGE obama collects when one reads the comments submitted by his followers. UNeducated, filthy-mouthed, Slimeballs, undoubtedly supported by hardworking Taxpayer money, never ever motivated to better themselves by education and hard work.... Is this the kind of CHANGE our country needs and wants ?? Dear God, I hope not...

At August 24, 2008 at 6:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God help Hillary and Senator Tubbs family through this terrible time.

I read the story about Bill Gwatney because I was suspect about it all along. The story was squashed by the media. Also the man that shot him was an Obama supporter; but the police made sure he would not be alive to expose it.

Something else that concerned me was that Stephanie Tubbs Jones mysteriously has a brain aneurysm; she was a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton and we all loved her dearly.

Having a minor background in the medical industry; this leads me to wonder if Mrs. Jones may have been exposed to potassium that could have induced an aneurysm.

Do not want to be view as a conspiracy’s theorist but something is wrong about her sudden death. Law enforcement released three different stories; Wikipedia and CNN was reporter her dead within two hours of her injuries. They also began bragging her seat was vacant; then after her official death notification the following day Obama seeks to replace Hillary delegates with his delegates. Was she injected with potassium or did she stop to eat and someone helped her ingest it. Obama needs Ohio and Arkansas; Hillary states to pull this corrupt election off.

Something else that concerned me was Tim Russert sudden death. It was brought to my attention he was working on a corruption story on Obama; after he sold out to him. I assume this could have been orchestrated; just in time to interrupt the Larry Sinclair interview.

Biden son was the one who issued the arrest warrant in Delaware for Larry Sinclair.

Hillary look into this because she was our friend and a person who looked after all nationalities.

Stephanie the wise woman….2008

At August 24, 2008 at 6:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

" BIG NEWS ", just heard on FOX , HRC Supporter and close Friend, Governor Ed Rendell said, HILLARY will run again for the presidency in 2012.... Thank God, at least all of us who love and admire her have something to look forward to.... NO doubt THE CHOSEN ONE and his GRAMPA will be defeated,( the VP Choice was an astronomical BLUNDER ) and hopefully the DEMOCRATIC PARTY will have come to its senses by then, by good riddance of quite a few of its SUBSTANDARD Leaders !!!! Let there be LIGHT at the end of the Tunnel !!!

At August 24, 2008 at 7:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

18 million loyal HRC supporters got dumped twice . first at the end of the primaries, and now again by not choosing Hillary for VP. That'll tell you what he really thinks of us and Hillary. All of us are nothing but dirt under his feet, he didn't even phone Hillary personally to tell her she will not be his VP. ... Well, guess what, getting slapped in the face like that twice, 18 million voters will certainly show him who's boss !!!!

At August 24, 2008 at 7:52 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Liberal and biased media? I'm assuming this is a shill Republican site but if not:
If Hillary had run in 2004 but Kerry still had gotten the nomination would you have voted for Bush? Will you subject this nation to another 4 years of Bush-style policies out of spite for Obama? And in hopes that the only true candidate can run in 2012 (assuming we still have a democracy then)? Why don't you just write-in Dick Cheney instead? COMNTSMF (Cutting Off My Nose To Spite My Face) might be a better acronym for this movement but if McCain is elected because of your abandoning the Democratic party you will be forever known as PUMAs (Pushed Up My Ass!). Bill certainly believes in a cult of personality but I doubt Hillary really does. I would love for her to be the first female President of the United States but I think it's pretty stupid (and selfish) to try to ruin any chance of a Democratic presidency until she's the only candidate. I'm a Democrat, not a Obama-maniac but I don't want another 4 years of right-wing disasters!

At August 24, 2008 at 7:52 PM , Blogger NPT said...

To Anonymous,8/21, with concerns about "issues", please realize your candidate(BO) has no principles that haven't flipped. Most of his viable positions were copied from the wiser Hillary. The mentors who molded his youth are radicals and harmful.I wouldn't call himm a champion.
Also, the nice lady concerned about Lou Dobbs: at leasct he's an independent voice. He isn't against immigration, just ILLEGAL immigration. As a Hispanic I can say I love my heritage,but I love the US Constitution and the rule of law that makes this a peaceful nation more. BTW,sorry- I don't think you're obamabots.

At August 24, 2008 at 11:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous mistakes the difference between anti-immigrant and anti-illegal alien. Most of Americans are either immigrants or descendents of immigrants who all entered the USA legally. To enter the U.S. illegally is against our laws. Although I agree that perhaps the average illegal alien is only trying to etch out a living, which he/she is most likely sending back home to their country of origin; I’m sure you must understand my hesitation at agreeing that he/she is contributing to our economy in any large degree. Some illegals are stealing the identify of American citizens and making their lives something of a living hell. Please do not suggest that they are large contributors to our society as they are also larger takers of our society in the form of free hospitalization, free education and other free programs at the expense of our taxpayers. Florida is spending millions of dollars on illegal patients both in medical treatments, surgeries and kidney dialysis, to name a few. The hospital has spent $50,000 to send them back to their country of origin in medical transport. And, their relatives have yet to say “thank you” while pursuing legal action against the hospitals that have amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney fees to an already stressed medical facility.

Americans cannot go into any other country (including Mexico) and get free services, so why shouldn’t they expect the same from the USA? We have to stop being the keepers of the world as it is breaking the backs of the working American taxpayers.

At August 25, 2008 at 12:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the comment about DONNA BRAZILE not beeing concerned about the HRC supporters not jumping on the OBAMAwagon, that does make her sound foolish and dumb. But what can you expect from a person that sits there like a POTTED PLANT day after day and tries to sound intelligent, I'm sure her small braincells fall asleep with so much tripe that CNN spouts forward. -- One thing is for certain however, NO ONE seems to understand that regardless how much OBAMA tries, 18 million voters voted for HILLARY CLINTON the person, the fighter, the one that understands us. We love her, and NO ONE will ever take that away from us, we are devoted and loyal to her forever, and frankly, we feel robbed and cheated by the DNC.... P.s. by the way, loyalty is something the DNC would never understand anyway, just look at Gov. Bill Richardson, the Judas ....

At August 25, 2008 at 7:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's what we need to be watching:

It is the state by state polling. McCain has to get more electoral votes than Obama and this is a tally of how that picture looks now. The national polls only tell us about the popular vote. Remember elections are won on the electoral, not the popular vote....

At August 25, 2008 at 8:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to keep this going, but on the immigration comments: actually it is Florida that did the analysis and found that undocumented immigrants pay more into the economy than they get out of it. And, as for getting help from other countries, you're wrong there, also. I had an accident in Scotland and all of my medical expenses were covered....Other countries are far more generous with their health care than we are....Like I said, Lou Dobbs isn't as truthful and accurate as he'd like us to believe....Good luck on researching these issues.

At August 25, 2008 at 8:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check this out!

At August 25, 2008 at 9:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the question of financial contributions made by undocumented immigrants, read the following report

At August 25, 2008 at 10:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to anonymous for once again pointing out on this site that we are not voting for McCain out of any pique with regard to the outcome of the Primary where Sen. Clinton was raped by the DNC for an inexperienced, unqualified candidate. Yes, we’re mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore, but it would be extreme folly to vote for another candidate that was equally unsuitable. I have always voted on the issues concerning our country’s safety and welfare and not necessarily by Party affiliation; and this year will be no exception - - I will be voting for McCain as he is the most qualified candidate submitted to us for the 2008 election. You can keep beating that dead horse that McCain is just another Bush, but I doubt anyone really believes that.

Stop trying to make this into a grudge match where there isn’t one. Even the polls show that McCain would have a tougher time besting Hillary than he does Obama - - so there are a lot of other voters out there that do not have “the faith” in Obama or the DNC as “Charles” does (whom I might point out is an obamabot just by the very use of his “PUMA” definition.

At August 25, 2008 at 10:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi’s daughter was interviewed on Hannity & Colms in Denver last night; naturally she was trying to push her book - - just like her lovely (tongue-in-cheek) mother has been doing instead of settling our energy crisis. Guess what? Nancy’s daughter is a super-delegate. Also Pelosi’s other daughter and husband are attending the convention; do you think they are also super-delegates? Nancy’s daughter said she was an uncommitted super-delegate during the Primary - - I wouldn’t bet the farm on that. Just one more liar in the family - - must be in the genes.

At August 25, 2008 at 1:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an ad that really does speak for us:

At August 25, 2008 at 5:12 PM , Blogger Tym_Machine said...

Everyone knows that there are 57 states since Obama told the rest of the USA that it was so.

Please change it in your editorial.

At August 25, 2008 at 7:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listening and watching the Democratic Convention pitching and selling their CHOSEN ONE is disgusting; they really are counting on the gullibility of the voter, never ever thinking that some of us don't buy all that HOGWASH.-- We, the thinking voter know, that OBAMA is a HUGE risk for our country, remember what his pastor of 20 yrs. Rev. Wright said, " Obama will say and do ANYTHING to get elected ".... But then, we must also remember, that He is the choice of the DNC, not of the american voter. The voters wanted HILLARY and now she is forced to embrace him, "DISGUSTING" !!!! Thank heaven there is always John McCain, a real AMERICAN ...

At August 25, 2008 at 10:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to keep this going, but I had good luck in researching "anonymous said" suggestions: you were singularly and extremely fortunate that Scotland picked up your accident expenditures - - consider the following site that states:

“Visitors to the United Kingdom do not qualify for treatment under the National Health Service (NHS). American citizens are reminded that medical treatment will not be provided free of charge to visitors to the United Kingdom. American citizens who are living temporarily in the United Kingdom should check if they qualify for free NHS treatment under the terms of their stay in the United Kingdom. American visitors are expected to pay for treatment at the time of the visit. Visitors to Scotland are encouraged to purchase personal travel insurance prior to travel.” … “All travelers should have sufficient medical insurance available to cover the cost of all medical treatment received while in the United Kingdom”

At August 25, 2008 at 10:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Florida and am well aware of the medical institution’s problems with the care and legal expenditures of illegal aliens - - it is documented at a Washington hearing regarding this matter. I believe Parkland(?) hospital in Texas is delivering babies which 70% are to illegal aliens and which they are never reimbursed.

At August 26, 2008 at 1:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching the DNC Convention, as an Independent, I am totally confused. During the primaries, both Hillary and Biden proclaim, Obama is not ready to be President. Now Biden is VP, all of a sudden Obama is the best thing since sliced Toast, and Hillary sings his praises loud and clear ... How in the world can anybody trust what these people say, its incredible. They showed a young Teddy Kennedy calling for UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE about 40 yrs. ago, and it still hasn't happened. And if history repeats itself, it never WILL happen, regardless of who's at the helm. ..Why is it, that all of Congress has wonderful healthcare, but the country doesn't ???? All this basically says is " WE DON'T COUNT ", i.e. high utilities, high gas prices, home foreclosures, shrinking wages, etc.-- NO ONE seems to give a rats ass about us, NO ACTION , just empty TALK ....Lets all go on Vacation in Hawaii and forget about Nancy Pelosi and Obama, how good is that !!!

At August 26, 2008 at 2:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rift between the Clinton camp and the obama camp is obviously so huge, that the Obama camp sent out flyers to the delegates what they could and couldn't say to reporters. Oh boy, thats FREE SPEECH for you, right !!! Not only is the O camp trying to obliterate the Clintons, now they are also telling folks what they can and cannot say, can and cannot do. My God, slowly but surely the O CAMP is turning this election into THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, only OBAMA praise is allowed, no critism of either him or the wife. Is this what we want for the next 4 years ???? Why don't we just ask the REV. Wright and Father Pfleger, I'm sure they'll give us the right answer !!

At August 26, 2008 at 2:07 AM , Blogger dakota said...

I just saw an Interview with Ruccia. You people must be insane or so full of yourself that you can't see past the problem. If you think for one moment that McCain is going to bring you Feminazi along for an amendment to the Constitution for equal rights for are insane. My aunt attended the 1st and only rally for that amendment and her last words to me were..."women will never unit". Obama is a REAL DEMOCRAT! Get behind him or get left behind. That's not a threat, but a promise.

At August 26, 2008 at 8:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am constantly surprised by how dedicated the Obama supporters are to making him out to be the good guy and the Clintons the bad guys. Even as they demand that the Clintons "deliver" their supporters, BO et al are setting the stage to blame the Clintons, if he loses. (By the way, is that projection on their part? Are they able to manipulate and to control their supporters so that they assume that every other candidate has the same kind of mind control over their supporters? That certainly says more about them, than it does about any of us....I find that very scary.)

BO's team refuses to acknowledge that there are real and rational reasons for our lack of support of BO, and they refuse to take any responsibility for alienating us or for not living up to the standards we hold. Once again, rather than act like mature grown ups, the spin on BO's loss will be that a bunch of emotional women--led by HRC--were poor losers and refused to play ball with the rest of the team.

They are determined to have it both ways: blame HRC if they lose and put her and those of us who supported her candidacy down if they do....

Here's a news flash, women have brains and are capable of independent, rational thought. Given that fact, many of us do not believe BO is an acceptable substitute for either of the two other candidates running for president. From the start I believed HRC was the best qualified, followed by McCain and I never thought BO was up to the job....

At August 26, 2008 at 8:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In general I don't care much about who will be First Lady, but I admit to feeling a little nervous about seeing Michelle Obama in that position. The First Lady is responsible for being a representative of a dignified, gracious and welcoming America. She plays the same important role in international politics women have played in their families forever....She creates an environment and tone within her house that makes it possible for important work to be done.

Nowadays First Ladies also do some of that work themselves. I believe Cindy McCain has the kind of experience and temperament to foster the mission of the White House and the First Lady. She is an experience business woman and a person who has created her own international foundation to help sick and poor children. She also is well versed in decorum and social graces.

So, even on the issue of who would bring more to the White House as First Lady, I think Cindy McCain far outweighs Michelle Obama in all the experience, sensitivity and grace needed to fulfill that job....

I'm not convinced by a single "well-crafted" convention speech. Even if MO didn't mean all the outrageous things she has said, the fact that she doesn't have the sense not to have said them in the first place is troubling by itself.

At August 26, 2008 at 10:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dakota: If Obama gets elected you’ll be under the bus with the rest of us - - and that’s not a threat, it’s a given. And lucky for you that women will never unite or Obama would never stand a chance in November.

Hmmm, your term of Feminazi indicates that you are a frustrated male that just can’t compete or make-it with today’s modern women; my heart would bleed for you, but being a woman I guess I just don’t have one.

Just because McCain is pro-choice doesn’t mean he is anti-women. Michelle Obama and Nancy Pelosi are anti-women (except for themselves and those they choose to include in their select collective). McCain has said in the past that he wants to improve our economy and defend our country and overturning Roe v. Wade is not on his agenda so one of the main concerns facing women voters today has been addressed and put to rest. You need to be put to rest also!

At August 26, 2008 at 11:12 AM , Blogger NPT said...

Dakota, Do you really believe that Dems are the people that are supporting women? After all HRC went through and not a word against the misogyny from our leadership? With friends like these I'd rather sleep with the enemy!

At August 26, 2008 at 1:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media and Obama's followers don't seem to understand that being sexist and hating women represents more than a slight to our feelings. Sexism is the foundation on which all hostility and violence toward women is founded. As a result, it is not a matter of hurt feelings that prevents me from supporting Obama and the DNC leadership; it is my sense that we need to make a statement that unless you respect all women and treat us with dignity and offer us equal opportunities to fulfill our potentials, we will not "fall in line" to support your efforts to keep women down and to denigrate us.

We are now fighting the latest battle in a long history of battles for women's rights. If you don't understand that, then you need to look within and not blame women for your short comings and failings....

It is not a question of all women's believing the same thing; it is a question of all women being respected for their views--especially if they differ from yours....

Every time I hear one of the Obama crowd put down HRC or another accomplished woman, I know I have made the right decision. A vote for Obama is a step back for woman. We lose ground when we support people who do not respect or support the advancement of women--especially decent, hard-working and accomlished women.

At August 26, 2008 at 1:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you clearly don't want to be confused by facts, here is a quote from a study on undocumented immigrants' contributions:

"Americans believe that undocumented immigrants are exploiting the United States' economy. The widespread belief is that illegal aliens cost more in government services than they contribute to the economy. This belief is undeniably false. [E]very empirical study of illegals' economic impact demonstrates the opposite . . .: undocumenteds actually contribute more to public coffers in taxes than they cost in social services. Moreover, undocumented immigrants contribute to the U.S. economy through their investments and consumption of goods and services; filling of millions of essential worker positions resulting in subsidiary job creation, increased productivity and lower costs of goods and services; and unrequited contributions to Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance programs. Eighty-five percent of eminent economists surveyed have concluded that undocumented immigrants have had a positive (seventy-four percent) or neutral (eleven percent) impact on the U.S. economy."

As for your reference from the us embassy; I don't know about that. I only know that I am not the only American who has received excellent and at times costly healthy care in Europe. These obviously are circumstances that are not covered by the section you quoted.

I suggest that it might be helpful to accept the fact that this question is complicated and that while it is easy to point the blame simply at the immigrants, there actually are a number of factors most of which have to do with us and our way of life that are more to blame than these folks.

For example, if it weren't for the fact that Americans like to spend outrageous sums of money at places like WalMart on tons and tons of cheap junk they don't really use or need, maybe they would have more money to pay for food that is harvested by higher paying workers, which might make those jobs attractive to Americans rather than to poor immigrants who will work for peanuts....

Look within--not without....

At August 26, 2008 at 3:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the DNC and its lovely Leadership ( Pelosi and all that bunch of hippocryts )want the Clintons to take a hike..They are blaming Hillary and Bill if Obama loses, now ain't that a fine mess !!! The O-PUPPET can't seem to stand on his own two feet, somebody always has to prop him up so the EMPTY SUIT doesn't crumble...BIDEN to fill the blue collar and foreign affairs gap, HILLARY to provide the 18 million voters, the TAXPAYERS to provide financial aid to his relatives in Africa, so what the hell is this guy good for ??? To give HOLLOW SPEECHES ??? P l e a s e !!! The wife ain't so radiant either, she has the grace of a CARDBOARD BOX !!

At August 26, 2008 at 7:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The distance between the Clinton camp and the obama hut is obviously so big, that the Obama camp sent out flyers to the delegates what they could and couldn't say to reporters.

Oh boy, thats FREE SPEECH for you, right !!! Obama thinks he is Mugabe of Zimbabwe!

Not only is the O camp trying to obliterate the Clintons, now they are also telling folks what they can and cannot say, can and cannot do.

My God, slowly but surely the O CAMP is turning this election into THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, only OBAMA praise is allowed, no critism of either him or his hoe of a wife.

Is this what we want for the next 4 years ???? Why don't we just ask Farakahn, REV. Wright and Father Pfleger, I'm sure they'll give us the right answer !!


At August 26, 2008 at 10:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a diehard Democrat, but as hard as I try to forget certain episodes in Obama's life in order to vote for him, I cannot forget that he sat in Rev. Wrights church for 20 yrs., is friends with a man that bombed the pentagon, let Father Pfleger ridicule and mock HILLary in church of all places, soak up all these anti-american rants from his pastor for 20 years, its just impossible to be patriotic and vote for a man like that.-- Sure he makes a good speech, but God only knows what lies beneath those smiling lips, his associations don't sound clean at all to me. Maybe I'm just old fashioned and feeble .....

At August 27, 2008 at 12:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Americans are putting themselves out of work with regard to Wal-Mart, et al. I do not believe that NAFTA is the basic cause of so much unemployment in our country when the majority of goods are made in China, Indonesia, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Japan, India, et al. Our corporations are outsourcing thousands of jobs to India and the Global Mrkt is demanding that we extend many long-term visas to absorb them into jobs in the U.S. that qualified Americans should have. If a company fails, the worker is out of a job but the executive walks away with a $200 million golden parachute - - only in America.

At August 27, 2008 at 12:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone else see billionaire T. Boone Pickens’ ad and not want to scream? Here’s a man that made his billions on oil and now wants us to go to natural gas, windmills and solar. Did he run out of oil and is looking for a new commodity? Does he own gas leases, a windmill factory or overstocked solar panels that he needs to dump on the unsuspecting market? I find it suspicious that someone that made so much money on oil wants to prevent others from doing the same. He should be ashamed of himself for contributing so heavily to global warming and should donate his entire fortune to correct his mistake.

At August 27, 2008 at 1:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The U.S. worries about healthcare, human rights, global warming and we arrogantly believe we can change the whole world all by ourselves. Why don’t we send all those environmentally green celebrities (Clooney, Lopez, Oprah, Ashley Judd, etc.) at the DNC convention over to China, Russia, Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. to address their officials on these subjects - - oh, I forgot, their citizens don’t have freedom of speech and tanks run over them when they protest. We saw the pollution in China during the Olympics - - do they look like they care about global warming? We’re not just outsourcing our jobs, we’re outsourcing our lives; why don’t we outsource the environmentalists and nettlesome celebrities overseas instead?

At August 27, 2008 at 1:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

After listening and watching Hillary tonight give her speech, I still cannot believe that this wonderful woman had to step aside for that emptyheaded Windbag Obama. There's more news tonight on Obama's ties to Bill Ayers, the pentagon bomber, but I guess the Media will sweep this under the rug too, in order not to upset the applecart. That guy doesn't deserve a damn thing Hillary does for him, he is a selfish, arrogant SOB, ungrateful and petty, and if the polls are any indication, he won't get the White House.-- And Hillary is right, McCain DOES have experience and McCain loves his country.

At August 27, 2008 at 2:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm not a Democrat but was moved by documentaries about caucus fraud to write this poem. Hope you like it...

Open Letter to Barack Obama

If it's the presidency you seek
You're hardly asked to be humble or meek,
But only that in the election you won
The voting was lawfully done.

But if you send out a goon, or a thug
Opposing voters to harrass and to mug
Legitimate you will never be called
Howbeit that your cult is enthralled.

Increasing numbers think this was the case
In caucuses of the quadrennial race,
Some held the front door, others the rear,
For your voters the access was clear.

Opposing votes your men moved to restrict
And the balloting box interdict.
The wrong sort of ballots to your men were passed
And into the dumpster were cast.

If victory in this manner was won,
And by your own agents all of it done,
Triumph of this sort no man may laud
The honest call it naught but a fraud

Give back, at long last, this voter implores,
Give back what is not rightfully yours.
Give back what was not rightfully won
And now let the misdeed be undone.

At August 27, 2008 at 8:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard Karl Rove say something yesterday I actually agreed with--for the first time. He said that the Democrats have missed the point. It isn't HRC that has to make things right with her supporters who aren't supporting BO; it is Bo's job to make things right with us. Finally, someone who gets it!

I'm glad HRC delievered a good speech and made the effort she made to "unify" the Democrats. That is her job and, as with everything she does, she did it well. The fact, the speech does not change my intentions to support McCain is not the point. That is my personal choice--not hers to make.

Bo wanted the nomination, but unlike the nomination, the election is not going to be handed to him. He is going to have to earn it and I don't think he will rise to the occasion....

At August 27, 2008 at 8:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the things I like about McCain and I think will become more clearly a strength of his, is his plan for the economy. We all seem to agree that the reason so many Americans are in trouble is that the middle-class has been assaulted. That has happened because we, as a country, have moved from being a country that produces things to a country that buys things.

McCain's plan to put people back to work in good manufacturing jobs where they will build the kinds of environmentally friendly gadgets we need, is straight out of HRC's play book. Many conservatives also are seeing that by giving up so many manufacturing jobs our economy is suffering, so contrary to past history, even they are getting behind the thinking that we need more at-home, good-paying jobs.

HRC led the way on this, McCain--not BO--has the understanding and the experience to fulfill important programs that will benefit the country by implementing these plans.

At August 27, 2008 at 7:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just needed to write something. I know the roll call this afternoon at the DNC was supposed to make me (us) feel better but I feel so sad. Senator Clinton did a fantastic job with her speech last night and today in releasing her delegates. Watching my state senator walk with our delegation to stop the roll call brought tears to my eyes. I could see it in Senator Clinton's face too. Where does she find the strength to do what she does. She is amazing. Senator Obama does not deserve this nomination and I will not vote for him.

At August 27, 2008 at 11:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone else hear Obama say he wants to downsize our military and halt any future defense weapons? Does he honestly believe that the rest of the world is going to halt all their development of weapons, nuclear or otherwise? Is he going to reduce our nation from one of great power to defenseless obamabots? Is this man really an American or just doing what I have read in his book re: if it came to a choice, he would side with the Muslims over the U.S. Is he prepping our country for an imminent attack from radicals in which our defenses have been diminished beyond our capability to defend ourselves? I think we need to know a whole bunch more about this candidate other than his good looks and pleasing personality (you could be electing President Jekyll and end up with President Hyde).

At August 27, 2008 at 11:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m going to apologize to all the people on this site who are going to disagree with me, but I think this is relevant to the selection of the next POTUS - - considering all the Hollywood kooks and the “pink” pinkos strutting around warning us of our impending doom if we don’t shape up and go green (or whatever).

I think global warming is a fraud. I do not believe in global warming as a result of anything earthlings are doing or not doing to preserve this planet in its current state. I submit we are in a natural progression; if this were not so, we would still be in the ice age and human amoebas wouldn’t be thawed out yet so we wouldn’t be here to discuss this, would we? Perhaps the “fire” the Bible or the great sooth-sayers predict is really the result of natural progression into the heat age. Perhaps it is nature’s way of renewing the planet just as it is nature’s way with forest fires to renew the forest. Instead of running around attacking each other on this issue, perhaps we should be exploring options for our continued future existence should the burner be turned up from warm to high-heat.

If my theory is fact and not fiction, then selection of a candidate that objects to drilling and wants to revamp the world with windmills and solar panels would be a wasted vote. Perhaps the windmills are only in the heads of Obama, Pelosi, Reid and all their Hollywood celebs at the convention.

At August 28, 2008 at 8:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't need an apology about your views on global warming. I need to know what the science is on which you are basing your comments.

First of all a theory is not a fact. By definition a theory is a hypothesis which can be measured and either proved or not. The science behind the proven fact that humankind has a negative impact on our planet's environment is strong.

When scientists set out to investigate a question, such as does human carbon dioxide emission have an impact on our climate, they first fashion their questions and then they set out to measure variables they have identified as playing a role in this issue. After they have all of this data together, they subject it to rigorous and reproducible statistical analysis. Then they write it up in the form of a scientific paper which before it can be published has to be reviewed by several other scientists with expertise in this field. If a paper is judged by these peer reviewers to have been conducted carefully and according to the principles of good scientific research, only then is it published. Science is filled with all sorts of disagreements among scientists, so it is possible for there to be several different points of view on any number of subjects in the scientific literature.

One of the interesting things about the issue of the impact of humans on our climate is that among all the scientists looking at this issue there is almost unanimous agreement that human activity is having a negative impact on our climate. Not only is that unusual, it speaks to the fact that global warming and climate change are definitely not "normal" and are definitely the result of humanity's use of fossil fuels.

The other piece to this issue that you may not be aware of is that the geologist have estimated that back in the 1970's we reached the point at which we had used up 50% of the world's oil. Since then we have been drilling for and using up at a very fast rate the remaining 50%. In other words, we are running out of oil to drill.

So, any way you look at this problem we have to change our source of fuel. Centuries ago people depended on whale oil, and they had to change. Humanity has faced these adaptive problems before. Hopefully, we will be smart and flexible enough to change again. Change is hard and scary, but in this case we really don't have any choice. Dependence on oil is futile and destructive....

At August 28, 2008 at 8:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the comments on how difficult it was to watch HRC stop the roll call voting. Of course, she had no other choice, but even so it was sad.

I believe she has a longer vision and is doing what she needs to do, so that come 2012, she can turn to those who undermined her candidacy this time and call in her chips for that election.

I also get a strong sense that the American public is not being persuaded by BO's and the DNC's razzle dazzle. Obama is so weak that he needs his wife, the Clintons and Biden to "make his case" to them. He may be entertaining, even inspiring, but he's not up to the job and people see that.

We need to continue to work for fair and honest elections and those who are supporting McCain need to give him a hand. Obama has twice as much money, has better technology, and has been on the ground setting up campaign offices all over the country for months. Those of you in Viriginia and other states where the election is likely to be close, need especially to get involved and to help. Obama's group is out to win and they have demonstrated in their sleazy primary campaign that they are willing to do anything to win....

At August 28, 2008 at 12:08 PM , Blogger NPT said...

Anonymous, I really like your poem. What's the title? Thanks and welcome here.

At August 28, 2008 at 12:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just want you lunatics to know. If Hillary does anything to cause Barack to lose, we will make sure she doesn't win in 2012 and i gurantee you this, she cannot win with just your support or the hard working white people she so loves to utter about (like everyone else is lazy). Don't delude yourself, If it isn't obama in '08, it definitely not Hillary in 2012. I'd like to see a modern democratic candidate win the presidency without the Black vote. If she can do it in 2012, I'll bow to her and call her mommy.

BTW, threatening to vote republican will not make us Obamicans vote for her in 2012. As far as we concern, you can all go to hell. Either vote democratic or get the hell out.

At August 28, 2008 at 1:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had an interesting and telling experience today. I was getting my hair done and talking about politics with the young woman who owns the salon. I've known her for years and we have agreed on many issues in past.

When she asked about what I thought about HRC's speech, we quickly got to the point that while I thought her speech was great and I'm glad she made it, I will not support Obama. To this the young woman said, "Then you should not vote at all...." I replied that "No. I will be voting for McCain, because I think he is better qualified to do the job." She said, "That is a bad thing to do...."

I was really shocked that she would think I should just step aside and let her and other Obama supporters have their way without any reservations or interference. I left feeling this is a very short-sighted and self-absorbed young person....I was really disappointed in her and surprised she had fallen under the spell of the BO groupies.

At August 29, 2008 at 8:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you again for including a comment by an Obama supporter. Everyone one of these comments has demonstrated just how shallow the ground is on which his supporters stand, and how emotional--thoughtful--this election is for them.

Once again, we have immature name calling and inappropriate vitriol. There is no logic or sense to this comment. Only ranting. Playground level, at that.

There is no discussion of facts only childish my-man-is-better-than-your-woman sexism....

There is no unity or talk of working together, only a tantrum and threat that if he/she doesn't get his/her way, he/she will retaliate by withholding his/her support. This in the face of the face that Obama is such a weak candidate that he needed the Clintons to try to do a job he couldn't manage himself. There is no sense from this person of the teamsmanship the Clintons demonsrtated. According to this comment, the Democratic Party is a closed shop.

And, finally, there is the race card....Just like with the OJ trial it seems that some blacks want to get even and to rub in the faces of American whites that they won this round. And yet, if whites call them on their racism, they get indignant. Racism in their minds only goes in one direction--white to black....This comment and so many like it during this election prove that for many blacks this election has been only about race, but for whites it has been about qualifications and ability.

Thank you for expressing yourself..., but next time you might try being rational and acting like a grown up, if you can....

At August 29, 2008 at 10:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knock, knock. Is anybody in there? Where have all the sane Democrats gone?

I turned on a news channel Thursday evening and the first thing I saw was the most colossal extravaganza of decadence since Ben Hur. What in the world were the Democrats thinking? The monetary output at Invesco Field could feed a third world nation for a decade. Have our donations gone to support this foolishness? Will our tax dollars also be spent on other Democratic nonsense? Do these people live in the real world or is it just for us peasants? Will we have to construct a throne in the Oval Office for this gigantic ego? God forbid the Democrats get sole power in the House as we would have to genuflect just to use the bathroom.

In my entire voting history I have never thought about voting a straight Republican ticket, but nothing short of a miracle is going to get through to these corrupt and inept public officials who think they are above their constituency. Even Jesus Christ walked among the people instead of on a pedestal high above we lowly mortals. Are we voting for a President or a god?

Heaven help us because the real Democrats have fallen and can’t get up!

At August 29, 2008 at 2:41 PM , Blogger NPT said...

Anonymous Obamacan: Is that the kind of threat you made to get Hillary's support? Horrid. Did you say Obama might lose? That's interesting...

At August 29, 2008 at 4:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

" John McCain and Sarah Palin ", now THATS a ticket that spells SUCCESS. As usual, the talking Heads are already disecting and shredding this lovely Governor and Mother of 5,( a woman that practices what she preaches,)and portraying her as short on EXPERIENCE. Well now, thats strange, seems that the CHOSEN ONE hasn't exactly had ANY experience, and what he does have, isn't all that KOSHER !!! To make a longwinded story short, John McCain hit a HOME-RUN ( literally speaken WHITE HOUSE )with his choice for VP.--It couldn't get any better, than as a woman, to FINALLY beeing recognized as a viable Part of a MAJOR PARTY .... This speaks well for the RNC, and the DNC should hang its corrupt head in SHAME .... Look what they did to HILLARY !!!!!!!......

At August 30, 2008 at 12:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous re global warming response: lighten up. Actually, a theory can become fact once it is proven, but what the heck - - who cares either way, it was meant to question the alleged global warming crisis and put it into perspective with a little levity rather than try to solve the problem - - if indeed there is a problem (quite honestly, at my age I will never live to see this phenomenon so I will have to take your word on that).

I’m much to excited about Sara Palin as V.P. to take issue with much at this point in time. I think her husband must be a saint and very supportive of his wife; I cannot imagine many husbands willing to take such a backseat to their wife’s ambitions let alone the sacrifice he and their family are making. I’m thankful that they are willing to share her with us as this gives back hope to many disenchanted Democratic and Independent voters.

There is only one problem for Hillary supporters: If Sara Palin does live up to her reputation, she will be an excellent V.P. and could possibly run for President 2012 if McCain decides to step down at that time or to run in 2016 after his term in up. Everyone blames Obama for not selecting Hillary for his V.P. slot; did anyone consider that maybe she turned him down so she could run in 2012 against McCain? If that is the case, the Clinton’s cannot be happy with this turn of events. I have mixed emotions: on one side I have respected and admired Hillary Clinton since she stood beside her husband at his swearing-in ceremony; on the other side, if Palin lives up to her hype, she can have my vote whenever she wants it. I guess everything happens for a reason and as sad as it sounds, Hillary’s time may have passed.

At August 30, 2008 at 7:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me. You're supposedly real democrats?????? As someone who like Amy Siskind, learned of Democratic values through the stories of her grandparents, I am actually physically sick to see it now distorted by supposed "real democrats". I'm the first to say the DNC has problems, and has since the days my grandparents used to talk about. But the stuff propogated on this site as a replacement...You cannot be serious. No one who believes in Democratic values can seriously say that John McCain and Sarah Palin would be better than Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

At August 30, 2008 at 10:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had this discussion with friends and members of my family--about real democratic values....My response is you have to go beyond the hype and the spin to understand where we are. You also have to stop stereotyping all people and look at their actions, not their words or appearanc.

Not all Republicans are as dreadful as GWB. And not all dark-skinned, well-educated men are Martin Luther King, Jr. Biden claims he is of the working class, but in fact he is senator from a tiny state that is so pro-corporation that many, many companies have their corporate headquarters located in DE. It is a polluted, corrupt state that also has exceptionally poor schools. Biden claims to be pro-choice, but he has only a 37% rating from NARAL, which makes him hardly a significant proponent of abortion rights. Biden claims to be supportive of women's rights and yet, it was his incompetence that allowed the Clarence Thomas nomination to leave the Senate Judiciary Committee. He refused to listen to Anita Hill and the other women who were prepared to testify against Thomas.

In a like manner, Obama has never run a business or even a government agency. Being a member of the legislature is not an executive position. Even so, he has never sponsored any legislation that amounted to anything important or even noteworthy. He has spent his life schmoozing and playing the game. He has been packaged and sold to a specific segment of US society as if he were a Big Mac. He lacks wisdom, insight, sensitivity, strength of character and a proven record of accomplishments.

Compare that to McCain and Palin who have records of accomplishments that include reform and effective governance. I don't care--at this point--about their social conservatism. I care about their characters and their proven record of working with people with whom they disagree. Palin's job of governor of one of the largest and most strategic states in the country is important and relevant experience. She is commander of her state's National Guard and the person who has to deal with her neighbors of Canada and Russia.

My advice is go and throw up and then come back and do some in-depth research before you sell your soul to the con men of the Democratic Party. Think before you cast your vote this year!

At August 30, 2008 at 2:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, go get physically sick in your own space and leave us in peace. Probably I have been a Democrat before you were even a gleam in your parents’ eyes. I come from a Democratic town and a Democratic family. Both my brother and sister are in Democratic politics - - and they too are fed up with the Democratic Party; in fact, they were not sure they wanted to vote in this election. They are not in the minority; they are a growing number of discontent Democrats who are now considering voting for McCain.

Consider that with the exception of a few items, most of us Democrats and Republicans pretty much want the same things out of life and our government.

I’m tired of being called a racist because I think McCain/Palin would be the better choice. Not because they are white, but because they both want to cut earmark spending and get the economy up and running once more. I remember well Biden and Spector destroying Anita Hill as I watched every single moment of it on TV. I never cast another vote for Arlen Spector from Pennsylvania and he has barely been able to squeak by in subsequent elections. I will never cast a vote for Biden either. If you are truly not a racist and possibly a feminist, you should not consider casting a vote for Biden either.

Obama/Biden want to cut military spending and discontinue the advancement of military weapons. The reason most Americans are safe today is the fact that we have military might. Smaller countries also rely on our military strength to keep them safe from unwarranted attacks. Other countries say that they hate us, but people are still trying to get into the U.S. by any means possible. We have seen signs on national TV that say: “Go home Americans - - and please take me with you.”

At August 30, 2008 at 4:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a real organization? When I heard about it I honestly thought it had to be a joke. Just so I've got it straight, your goal is to elect McCain, whose record stands out so clearly against the reproductive rights of women and their right to choose (not to mention equal pay for equal work legislation), because Hillary failed to get the nomination? To top it off, all of this in direct contradiction to what Hillary herself has asked her supporters to do??

If your goal at the end of the day is to convince the nation that women are just as capable as men, as competent, hardworking, passionate, focused, etc... (personally most of which I actually believe, although after seeing this I've gotta wonder)
how does basing your votes, in such a critical year for our country bogged down in unpopular and unnecessary war and with a faltering economy, on basically...revenge? Vindictiveness has never been attractive and to the vast majority of rational America, it spells crazy.

At August 30, 2008 at 9:03 PM , Blogger Greenconsciousness said...

I am putting this on all the blogs I link to suggesting we do not have to be slaves to the places they push us.
Who are you voting for?

I am Writing-In Hillary and joining the New Democrat PUMA party.

Listen to the Aug 29th radio show on your computer from the PUMA people who went to Denver.

I called in at the end of the first hour.

Saturday Night, August 30, 2008, 9-11 pm ET, tune in to “Murphy and Friends” on No We Won’t Radio. Murphy will be discussing the importance of staying united as a block of voters. She will unveil The New Democratic Party and with its Platform

Read "the party's over" on my blog

At August 30, 2008 at 10:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Lord! When are you obamabots going to stop trying to intimidate Real Democrats? One of your major problems is that you are all programmed alike with no individual intelligent thought that has not been included in your software. We are so very sorry that your thought process was stolen from you by your maker - - The One, but we are all running from his looney toones programmer police just as fast as we can. If any one of us gets attacked and that little obamachip is imbedded in our head as in yours, we have signed a pledge that we will leave this site immediately and as all you homing pigeons do, head for the nearest Obama shop for restart and updates - - never to appear on this site again.

Now run along before I pull out your mother board (or should I say obamaboard?) and you go completely brain dead (which probably explains why you all say the same things in the same way over and over and over again). Perhaps they could include a more comprehensive learning program in your next update so you don’t come off as simple-minded and as single-minded as usual.

At August 31, 2008 at 9:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cult of personality around Obama is becoming so obvious that even Bill Mahr had to speak to it. He said that so many of the news folks were gasping for air with enthusiasm at the Democratic Convention that he thought "they wanted to have sex" with Obama. Mahr is known for being outrageous, so this comment is in keeping with his "style."

Granted that style may be over the top, but the point is inescapable. Obama could read the phone book and his cult members would say things like "people are going to remember where they were when" BO read the phone book....

The Obama followers clearly are angry, because McCain and Palin are taking them on effectively. These spoiled brats thought they would gain the presidency, because they were entitled to it. The presidency is one position I do not believe should be an affirmative action hire. It should only be awarded to the person with the maturity, intelligence and gravitas to handle this huge job.

This is not a job any party or person is entitled to. Trying to make comparisons between Bush and McCain makes for good commercials, but doesn't have staying power--especially since McCain has a proven record of thinking for himself. They don't call him a maverick for nothing. He ran against Bush--remember?

He and Palin believe in honest, accountable government. BO's refusal to limit his campaign's financing speaks volumes to Obama's true nature and disposition. He is a phony--shallow and untrustworthy.

Besides, his election is not a referendum on Bush. he isn't running. Neither McCain nor Palin is anything like Bush. While Bush and Obama have a very great deal in common in terms of how they operate and how they manipulate anything and everything to sell themselves in ways that belie their true natures. (Remember they are blood related.) The truth is something neither Bush nor Obama understands....

At August 31, 2008 at 9:43 AM , Blogger Greenconsciousness said...

Defeat the andys of the wrld with their seven dollar an hour BO script blogging jobs.

com/ and join the New Democrat PUMA party.

Saturday Night, August 30, 2008, 9-11 pm ET, tune in to “Murphy and Friends” on No We Won’t Radio. Murphy will be discussing the importance of staying united as a block of voters. She will unveil The New Democratic Party and with its Platform


Read "the party's over" on my blog

At August 31, 2008 at 11:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is “greenconsciousness” really an obamabot in disguise that is trying to get us to waste our vote as she is purporting to do? Tsk, tsk, the PUMA’s would never waste their vote in such a destructive manner; that's like beating a dead horse.

At August 31, 2008 at 11:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If “greenconsciousness” wants to waste her/his vote, that’s their prerogative. Hillary left us, we didn’t leave her; she released her Delegates at the convention so I consider myself also released. I cannot believe the PUMA’s want Obama in power as they have done so much to prevent that from happening; but a vote for Hillary at this point would only benefit Obama. I’m sure the Obama camp would welcome your write-in vote for Hillary as: 1). It wouldn’t count in any state that does not have Hillary’s name on the ballot; which I assume she removed as per instructions by the DNC. 2). In some states, a vote for Hillary (Democrat) is an automatic vote for Obama (Democrat). I didn’t make these rules, that’s just how the individual states set them up.

In summation, if you want to cast a vote for Obama, do so, but do not appease you conscience by saying you are voting for Hillary - - it doesn’t wash. If you do not want Obama as POTUS in November, the only choice is a vote for McCain. Don’t delude yourself by thinking that since you voted for Hillary you bear no responsibility should the next Presidency be a disaster.

Don’t be a coward, make a choice from the existing official candidates and live with it like the rest of us will have to do.

At September 1, 2008 at 8:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama said, "I will eliminate capital gains taxes for the small businesses and the start-ups that will create the high-wage, high-tech jobs of tomorrow." Promises like this one were received with cheers buy people who obviously don't understand basic tax code.

Obama supporters must like the sound of shots on business. Yet one of the five Americans during the convention who testified on Obama's behalf, was, in fact, a struggling small business owner. Small business is the doorway to the American Dream and alternative to wage bondage. The policies should STRENGHTEN small business, not suppress them. To add to Obama's lunacy is the fact that currently there is no capital gains tax for corporations. Since businesses are usually corporations, what is he talking about? There is nothing to "eliminate".

At September 1, 2008 at 8:36 AM , Blogger Greenconsciousness said...

Oh No! I just noticed in a previous post I said

"Defeat the andys of the wrld with..."

It should Read

Andy, Defeat the Bobots of the world with..."

Sorry Andy, geeze

At September 2, 2008 at 7:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stumbled onto a site where there were endless blogs from Obama's narcissistic sociopaths. These people were going on and on about " the threat to Roe v Wade" and the personal issues about the Palin family.

Don' these people have lives or jobs or families? It is hard to get angry with people who are so obviously mentally ill. Their lives seem to revolve around sniffing other people's bicycle seats and hating. They are convinced they have ALL the facts and know everything these is to know, but they lack compassion, logic and understanding.

If these people are in fact indicative of the segment of our society who is supporting Obama, we are in big trouble. These people are parasites on the rest of our society--taking for their own pleasure what they want and giving nothing back, but venom. They appear to think this election process is some sort of sports event designed to entertain them. I feel very sad for all of us....

At September 2, 2008 at 9:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new international rankings for 2008 show that the U.S. has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world (39.9%), only Japan is higher (by a slight degree). The rest of the world keeps reducing corporate tax rates to induce business, the U.S. does not - - so now you know why American businesses are leaving the U.S. for friendlier climates.

Does Obama want to raise these taxes higher? Wow, then we won’t have any corporations left in the U.S. - - but not to worry:

1. We build fantastic malls so we can sell other countries’ products, and
2. There should be plenty of jobs for sales personnel at minimum wage.

I am beginning to believe Obama’s hidden slate is to obliterate the middle-class once and for all.

At September 2, 2008 at 6:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This article discusses Obama's responsibilities as Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Relations with responsibility for European matters. It makes clear that even though NATO falls under the aegis of this committee, Obama has been too busy campaigning to hold more than a few meetings that have dealt with the appointment of ambassadors.

Since the Dems want to claim Obama has so much experience and is qualified especially because of his good judgment, I think his lack of attention to this important committee demonstrates that he cares more about himself and his campaign parties and field trips than he does about his senatorial/American duties.

I would have had more respect for him, if he had resigned this position, when he started his campaign, so that someone else could pay proper attention to the many important matters with which this committee deals.

I imagine he will spend a lot of his time, if he gets into the Oval Office, planning his next big, celebrity blow out....

At September 3, 2008 at 11:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as I can tell, Obama started out as “community organizer”, whatever that means. He got bored so he decided to run for Illinois State Senator (twice, the first one was just a trial run and he lost). When he finally got it right (picked up a lot of support re the corrupt Chicago machine and had his opponent disqualified), Obama ran and secured the Illinois Senate (finally). This time it was an easy run so he decided to run for the U.S. Senate (besides, he did as much of nothing as he could do so naturally he became bored). Besides, he was good as this election thing so why not? He learned his lessons well as he annihilated his opponent due to the slander his “friends” dug up (legally? - - I think not!) against his opponent (sound familiar?). After 143 days of basically nothing once again, he got bored and wanted to move on.

He annihilated his next opponent also as he threw his hat in the ring for POTUS. All he had to do was cozy up to the corrupt DNC and friends to buy off Delegates to swing the nomination to himself - - what a guy! No one can every call him stupid - - corrupt maybe, but never stupid.

My question is this: Since Obama is so good at Election 101, where does he go next if he actually wins the Presidency - - run for God? (Not a far reach since his obamabots and obamacons already think he is the Messiah.

At September 3, 2008 at 11:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The MSM should not be allowed to get away once again with the obvious smear and bias mistreatment of a female candidate.

Does Sores feel that threatened by women; did his mother not love him enough; do women find him repulsive except for his money? What is his problem? It is obvious that he is running most of this show, with the approval of the DNC and the Obama campaign.

Obama said “leave the families alone”. Are we supposed to believe that his staff is not behind these smears? Computer experts have traced these smears back to the Obama site so he cannot believe we are quite that gullible. When is this dishonesty and unfair play going to cease?

They claim Palin hasn’t been properly vetted - - - when has the DNC and the MSM vetted Obama - - like never?!?! There are enormous piles of substantiated garbage on Obama, but the MSM won’t print a word of it. We don’t only have to take down our corrupt Democratic Party, we have to take down the corrupt MSM or we can never again trust them to give us the honest and unaltered facts of everyday news. They are no longer a trustworthy source of information and we need to treat them as a threat to honest journalism that they have become.

At September 3, 2008 at 5:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now the sexists on the media are saying that Biden (poor thing) will have to pull his punches when he debates Palin, because he will get "blamed for being mean" to her like they claim they have been by us who resent the ill treatment of HRC.

Give me a break! Talk about passive/aggressive and lowering expectations. There is nothing sexist about an honest and fair fight--even a passionate disagreement. Any woman worth her salt could handle that. HRC didn't "lose" the election; it was stolen from her. She never backed down for a fight and she proved over and over that no matter how times they pushed her down, she could rise up and win!

Palin doesn't need to be handicapped by Biden. She can handle a fair fight. What we object to with both HRC and Palin is the personal, sexual slights and hostility, because she is a women--the assumption that these woman should be home baking cookies and taking care of their children while they leave "men's work" to the guys. That is sexism.

I wish someone would make an Obama turkey baster; maybe the same company that made the Hillary nutcracker could add that to their line. Perhaps that would get the point across....

At September 6, 2008 at 3:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess we all can use reminders every now & again...someone sent this to me and now I am sharing it with you.

How Women Got To Vote. A short history lesson on the privilege of voting...

The women were innocent and defenseless. And by the end of the night, they were barely alive. Forty prison guards wielding clubs and their warden's blessing went on a rampage against the 33 women wrongly convicted of obstructing sidewalk traffic.'

They beat Lucy Burn, chained her hands to the cell bars above her head and left her hanging for the night, bleeding and gasping for air. They hurled Dora Lewis into a dark cell, smashed her head against an iron bed and knocked her out cold. Her cellmate, Alice Cosu, thought Lewis was dead and suffered a heart attack. Additional affidavits describe the guards grabbing, dragging, beating, choking, slamming, pinching, twisting and kicking the women.

Thus unfolded the 'Night of Terror' on Nov. 15, 1917, when the warden at the Occoquan Workhouse in Virginia ordered his guards to teach a lesson to the suffragists imprisoned there because they dared to picket Woodrow Wilson's White House for the right to vote.

For weeks, the women's only water came from an open pail. Their food--all of it colorless slop--was infested with worms. When one of the leaders, Alice Paul, embarked on a hunger strike, they tied her to a chair, forced a tube down her throat and poured liquid into her until she vomited. She was tortured like this for weeks until word was smuggled out to the press.

So, refresh my memory. Some women won't vote this year because--why, exactly? We have carpool duties? We have to get to work? Our vote doesn't matter? It s raining?

Last week, I went to a sparsely attended screening of HBO's new movie 'Iron Jawed Angels.' It is a graphic depiction of the battle these women waged so that I could pull the curtain at the polling booth and have my say. I am ashamed to say I needed the reminder.

All these years later, voter registration is still my passion. But the actual act of voting had become less personal for me, more rote. Frankly, voting often felt more like an obligation than a privilege.

Sometimes it was inconvenient.

My friend Wendy, who is my age and studied women's history, saw the HBO movie, too. When she stopped by my desk to talk about it, she looked angry. She was--with herself. 'One thought kept coming back to me as I watched that movie,' she said. 'What would those women think of the way I use--or don't use--my right to vote? All of us take it for granted now, not just younger women, but those of us who did seek to learn.' The right to vote, she said, had become valuable to her 'all over again.' HBO will run the movie periodically before releasing it on video and DVD. I wish all history, site for verification

At September 8, 2008 at 5:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media are businesses that at the end of the day are willing...or at least forced to become flexible in the ethical standards.

The auto industry is in the hopper. The media companies need all the political advertising they can get.

Obama has more advertising dollars to spend.

Why would you bite the hand that feeds you?

At September 9, 2008 at 11:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is obviously some kind of ridiculous Republican put-on designed to suck in people who have only had time to glance at what's happenning in the election and siphon off a few votes for John McCain. The smear tactics at work in this site areevidence enough to John McCain and Sarah Palin stand for "get elected" more than they stand for the rights of anyone or anything.

At September 9, 2008 at 11:55 PM , Blogger rpf said...

My wife and I are PUMA voters in a swing state. I would like to say... Thank you GOP for nominating a moderate, thank you for putting a strong women on the ticket!

To the DNC and their trolls, you are in for one rude awakening come November, I can hardly wait1

GO McCain/Palin 2008 !!!

At September 10, 2008 at 1:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more ugly and mocking comment out of the mouths of Obama & Co., like " Lipstick on a pig ", and they might as well take their scrappy, uncouth ticket and stick it where the Sun doesn't shine. Wow, the desperation of that ticket, its beyond my wildest dreams.--God bless Hillary for remaining a Lady under all that DNC pressure, at least she is showing class by NOT joining Obama/Biden in verbal abuse towards Sarah Palin.-- Go McCain/Palin!!!

At September 13, 2008 at 4:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of your links goes to the wrong place. It should go to, not I thought you'd like to know.

At September 13, 2008 at 8:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is some evidence that Obama and his campaign have been discriminating in their pay practices. It appears as though they have not been paying equally their female workers....Fact Check is trying to confirm this.

At September 14, 2008 at 10:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The link to Hillary is 44 webpage has been corrected. Thank you for letting us know.

At September 14, 2008 at 9:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Join us Real Democrats - California(www.realdemocratsus an action meeting!!
The date: Tuesday September 16th 2008
The time: 8PM
The location:IC Talent Inc.26481 Rancho Parkway SouthLake Forest, CA 92630www.ictalentinc. com To RSVP or get directions you can call Helen Nadel (CA Coordinator for Southern California at 310 346 9119), or email that you will be there: h_nadel@yahoo. com.
In Northern California please contact Northern CA coordinator Toni Alves: puma.sf1@gmail. com Whom to bring:BRING ANYONE YOU CHOOSE, (especially if they wish to volunteer), AS LONG AS THEY WILL NOT VOTE FOR BO!!
What to bring:Nothing, I will have refreshments and snacks. Let's make it happen!Helen310 346 9119h_nadel@yahoo. com

At September 15, 2008 at 10:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found a great website with good information. I want to be educated about each person in the election and there are facts on this non-partisan website.
The address is

At September 15, 2008 at 7:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

QUOTE "no reasonable liberal or progressive would EVER vote for McCain." EMDQUOTE

Oh is that right? No reasonable Democrat would vote for Oblahblah.
If you are still supporting Oblahblah, the women hater and constitution despiser, you are politically retarded. Most of his supporters have jumped ship and are not backing a loser. They are backing McCain now who is a winner!
Citzens for McCain
Dems for McCain!

PS-Did you know that Oblahblah voted against funding aid to Katrina victims but Gov. Palin donated aid to Katrina victims with windfall proceeds from slashing wastful spending? Now swallow.

At September 16, 2008 at 12:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ran across this website and am shocked. You cannot possibly call yourselves Democrats. You must admit you're Republicans, and willing to give up on key Democratic party platform issues - the right to choose, support for health care, the right to equal wages for women. That's what you're voting for when you vote for McCain/Palin. Take the name "Democrat" off this website!

At September 16, 2008 at 4:08 PM , Blogger Greenconsciousness said...

Equal Wages for Women? Did the majority Democrat Congress pass that? Because I thought it failed.

BO doesn't even pay female staff equal to male BO staff. Don't hold your breath if he is elected.

If he wanted to demonstrate commitment to equal rights Hillary would be VP. Any pig can talk with or without lipstick. It pays to watch what they DO when they have a chance to demonstrate their commitment! We saw BO's misogyny in his VP choice.

At September 16, 2008 at 11:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great point, GREENCONSCIOUSNESS, Monsieur Obama shows us his true colors every day, and its getting to the point where his flailing arms and hands are gesturing "failure" and his voice is becoming more and more desperate. Louder and louder he howls his displeasure with the sagging response of the public, and of course he's totally off message. What happened ?? Did his balloon burst ?? Maybe there was a huge, thick resume and we just overlooked it ?? But of course, there's always a teleprompter to get him back on track, and a wall full of Flags. And of course there's always VP Biden, snapping and snarling .... what a lovely team !!!

At September 16, 2008 at 11:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous:

Put a sock in it. No one gives a flying fig what you think a real democrat is. A Real Democrat thinks for his/her self and is not subject to the rantings of a paid obama blogger. Don't you guys every change that broken record? You're going to lose, so get used to it!

At September 16, 2008 at 11:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a thought, but - - since the celeb kooks are out in record numbers involving themselves in politics, i.e., Lindsay the dip Lohan, Pamela the big breasted brain-dead bimbo Anderson, why don’t we consider boycotting some of their activities.

The Emmy’s are coming up - - watch another channel. When one of their movies is playing at the local theater - - don’t go. Their outright bias and extreme nastiness toward Sarah Palin is downright mean and should not be rewarded. Why do these drugged out alcoholic nincompoops think they have the freedom of speech to denigrate an innocent human being? Who gave them that right? Oh, now I remember, it was our soldiers fighting to keep those rights for those same Hollywood loose-living, loose-mouthed, play-acting out-of-touch celebrities.

I wonder where our priorities are when we give such adulation to overpaid Hollywood actors. Anyone opposing their views is blacklisted and shunned - - I guess they do not believe that other people have the same inalienable rights as they do.

At September 17, 2008 at 1:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I continue to get emails from "friends" who are trying to help me see how awful Palin is. Today one said the reason she got such a high rating among Alaskans was that she paid them....

The fact is that for several decades all Alaskans have gotten money from their state. It isn't a sign that Palin is trying to buy her electorate.

On the other hand, apparently, Obama is spending a lot of money getting young kids to go out to register voters. Unfortunately, "there have been some problems" with those registrations....

I think it is a good idea to boycott Oprah and other shows that have demonstrated favoritism/bias. She has fallen over herself to support Obama and has refused to invite Palin on her show. That in the face of the fact that Palin invited Oprah to Alaska. I also know that Craig Ferguson and Bill Maher have bad-mouthed Palin while being very supportive of Obama.

The Democrats and feminists, like Steinem and Wolf, all thought they owned women's rights, equal pay, civil rights and the workers of America. Donna Brazile said they didn't need "blue collar America" because they have blacks and the youth. This election looks like it is going to be a reality check for all of these people.

Americans are much smarter and more independent than they have given us credit for being. Oprah can take her show, all of her goodies and celebrity friends and can go party until they explode for all I care!

At September 17, 2008 at 6:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like all of those loose-lipped Hollywood whores, and that old fat cow Oprah are all scared to death of a godloving woman like Sarah Palin.To them, Sarah is a huge reminder that they are all inferior in the eyes of God, so consequently they have to denie her. Serves them right, what goes around, comes around.-- Today Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild endorsed McCain/Palin; she was a huge supporter of Hillary Clinton's, but said NO to Obama. Lady de Rothschild talked at length about McCain's superior knowledge in regards to America's economic crisis and the needs of all Americans. This is good, her endorsment speaks volumes....

At September 18, 2008 at 3:02 AM , Blogger Greenconsciousness said...

We know you are working for Obama so forget your psy ops reverse psychology - it is disgusting but will not convince us to vote for Obama. Go listen to another verse of "People".

At September 18, 2008 at 8:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats are trying to make the economic problems this country faces the fault of McCain and Palin. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The fault for this situation lies on many people's shoulders and with both parties. The greed and materialism that characterizes our countries value system have corrupted corporations, government and the consumers. All are to blame for the predicament we now face.

Having said that, if we look at the role our federal government played, we can say it dropped the ball by not doing its job of oversight of corporations--especially those in banking and finance. And top among those who wasn't doing his job is the Democratic Senator from Connecticut, Chris Dodd. He is chairman of the Senate Banking Committee.

Dodd refused to investigate hedge funds which is where much of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac money was being invested. He refused to limit the actions of credit card and mortgage companies, so that they couldn't mislead and take advantage of consumers. And, when he decided to run for president, he received the most financial support from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as others in the banking and finance industries. (Obama has received the second most support from them.) There even is evidence that both Dodd and Obama received "special deals" on their personal home mortgages.

On the other hand, McCain on more than one occasion tried to call attention to the problems with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. To try to blame him for this problem is a real stretch and not true.

The tax policies that Obama has talked about are not going to fix this problem with our economy. They are a distraction. It isn't a question of bringing in more money. It is a question of not throwing money away on earmarks and wasteful spending. And it is a question of implementing the laws of oversight that now exist on the books and of adjusting those laws so that they protect consumers and the American economy.

The Democrats dropped the ball. McCain and Palin have the right perspective for dealing with this complicated problem--reform and accountability. Obama and his buddies, like Dodd, will only continue to screw things up for the rest of us.

At September 18, 2008 at 9:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you heard the interview with Palin on Hannity and Colmes last night, you might have not picked up something really important that she said. She said that she wants to work for more funding of NIH.

That is a very big deal. The National Institute of Health is the main source of government funding of biomedical research. It is important for lots of reasons, not the least of which is that its funding allows scientists to do research that directly benefits our society--unlike private funding of biomedical research which benefits pharmaceutical companies first and the public second.

Under Bush/Cheney the NIH has received less support than under any other administration--possibly ever. Each year scientists throughout the country submit grant proposals to NIH. Each proposal is reviewed by a committee of experts and each grant is ranked against its peers. Then funding is allocated for that year by Congress and based on the amount of money made available a percentage of the grants is given financial support.

As of last year, that percentage was around 17%. That means that 83% of the grants submitted were NOT funded. That is a huge amount of wasted talent and opportunity.

Palin obviously sees the problem with this lack of support for NIH. It means that our scientists are not allowed to find cures and treatments for the diseases that threaten our lives. That means more people are getting sicker and/or are not being treated which adds to our huge health costs and the suffering of our people.

What she said has huge implications and completely undermines the contention that she is "ignorant" and a hick who doesn't understand modern science. I was thrilled to hear her support of NIH.

At September 18, 2008 at 2:06 PM , Blogger Greenconsciousness said...

A lot of those NIH proposals involve brutal and duplicative animal testing on mammals. Putting them in microwaves, putting the head of a dog on a monkey, blinding them, blasting music in their ears, blowtorching their skin without anesthetic. And many are just repeats of things already done.

I absolutely agree we need to move our CURRENT knowledge level to the practical application to humans. Right now, making profits for pharmaceutical companies IS the primary goal. Yet, I am afraid that Palin will not be sensitive to the distinction between careful, necessary, study and wholesale animal torture for profit. I believe there must be some humanity in what we allowed to be done to sentient beings. You have to watch what kind of sadistic science gets funded.

At September 18, 2008 at 6:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are a number of subjects Sarah Palin talked about in last nights interview with Sean Hannity, that are very important to my family. Expanding for special needs children, energy independance, drilling creates jobs, goodpaying jobs,(oh boy, do we ever need those)cleaning house in Washington( we need to get rid of all those bastards that use our money to benefit them). I can hardly wait for tonights 2nd interview with Hannity, to see what she says.-- Imagine our money bailed out AIG, Fannie and Freddy etc. because these lowlife bastards like Dodd, Frank, did nothing to correct the mortgage spending, just shoveled in OUR money so they can have a great life.--We definitely need a republican President to balance out a democratic congress, checks and balances, otherwise we get screwed even harder and our country goes belly up.

At September 18, 2008 at 8:58 PM , Blogger Jannie Funster said...

I love McCain!

And Palin.

Most of us do.

At September 19, 2008 at 8:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to respond to several things I have heard in the media and elsewhere:

1. When Obama is criticized for not having any executive experience, I've heard it said that his leadership skills have been demonstrated by this "successful" campaign he has run. So, I suggest we do that--use this campaign as a measure of what kind of leadership he would bring to the country.

He has raised huge sums of money--much of it from those in the banking and finance industries--and he has spent it on lavish trips to Europe and huge parties for his friends and supporters. He also has set up offices in each of the 50 states and has thousands of people on his payroll, so that the money he has raised is being spent as fast as he can raise it. That huge campaign staff didn't work for him in the primaries against HRC; it did work in the caucuses with many complaints of inappropriate and intimidating conduct.

He has cheated by changing the rules, so that HRC was pushed out. He has played the race card and done more to damage race relations in this country than George Wallace did when he ran for president. He has been a sexist and has allowed sexism to be used against opponents, when he thought it would work to his advantage. He picked a good ol'boy as his running mate and he thinks taxation--not reform--is the answer to our economic problems....

2. On Sarah Palin I've heard it said that she is "ignorant" and that she believes in creationism and not evolution, that she will undermine Roe v. Wade. First of all, she does believe in evolution; her father was a science teacher. There is no evidence that she wanted creationism taught in schools. Secondly, in her interview with Hannity she said she wanted to work with people who felt differently than she does, "to lower the number of abortions" that are performed in this country. She didn't say, she wanted to deny other women this option. She also said that she felt that abortion was a decision that should be made among a women, her doctor, family and her god. She didn't feel government should be in that mix. That is the essence of Roe v. Wade.

I hope that people will continue to look at what is actually being said by these candidates and check those statements against reality.

At September 19, 2008 at 8:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer to our economic problems is not more taxation, like Obama suggests. Even if the promises Obama is making were true and accurate, he is talking about peanuts for most Americans--money they are likely to spend at Wal* Mart.

The answer is reform. (And holding a 911-like commission to understand exactly what went wrong is smart; not a waste of time like Obama says. You can't fix something you don't understand....unless, of course, you have divine powers, like we are told Obama possesses.)

McCain has been talking about and working for reform for years. On the specific issues that have contributed to this financial crisis on Wall Street, McCain spoke out in 2002 and in 2005. Obama never spoke out about anything.

On the contrary, he is close to Dodd, Raines and other who actually created this mess. Obama is so beholding to Wall Street for money to run his campaign; he didn't try to hold them accountable for their greed and malfeasance. If he didn't urge his fellow Democrats to reign in these industries and now is buddies with them, it defies logic to imagine that he will call them to task, if he gets in the White House.

Our financial problems were not created simply by Republicans and Bush. The current, good ol'boy Democratic Party machine facilitated and participated in this mess, as well. McCain and Palin are the only ones with any record of reform and the vision to deal with this mess on our behalves. Obama and his gang will only make things worse....

Don't be distracted by fear mongering from Obama and the promises he makes of easy money and quick solutions. They are lies.

At September 19, 2008 at 1:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware of distractions!

At September 19, 2008 at 11:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would anyone vote for that hack Obama? its so simple, the blacks see an opportunity to put a brother in the white house, and the whites either feel guilty or they are far out there to the left. Obama has about as much experience to lead this country as a sewer rat, NONE. The only rhetoric he knows is to tear down McCain, he has NO plans, No solutions, NO solving problems, nothing. And the only other thing he knows how to do is vote PRESENT and take your money. Well now, that should really be enough to make him president, right ? Anyone voting for him really deserve no better, just hand him your paycheck, because you don't really need it, but he does, he needs to fly to Hollywood to hobnob with the Hollywood ELITE...,don't you know!!!

At September 20, 2008 at 7:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the CNN "interview" Campbell Brown (--and why is she still passing as a journalist?) held with Lynn Forester de Rothschild. Lady de Rothschild tried her best to say what many of us have said and feel....

It reminds me of Barbara Walters on The View, going after Cindy McCain....that after Cindy McCain not only lives "well," but has set up a foundation through which she has actually made a difference in the lives of many, many children, including the daughter sdhe adopted. What has Walters ever done, except tell Obama and other celebrities how "sexy" they are?

At September 20, 2008 at 8:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

See Obama listening to head of Fannie Mae....

At September 21, 2008 at 12:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If we’re going to ask questions about, you know, who has been promulgating negative ads that are completely unrelated to the issues at hand, I think I win that contest pretty handily.” Obama on ABC’s Good Morning America.

So, either Obama is telling the truth and he is a jerk and politically expedient, or he can't say what he means....

If it is the latter, then we have another person who wants to be president, like Bush, who can't speak without a prepared script. And the media and Obama want us to believe McCain is like Bush! It is Obama whose personality and mental cramps are like Bush.

At September 21, 2008 at 12:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whose hands are dirtiest when it comes to problems with Wall Street and the economy? The evidence suggests Democrats and especially Obama. Compare the contributions he has gotten from the financial industry with those McCain has received. Compare who has been doing the bidding of the Wall Street industries--Chris Dodd, Obama, etc....

At September 21, 2008 at 3:45 PM , Blogger NPT said...

Right about Brown. As for "The Skewe" I emailed them (View) on their webpage that they showed poor upbringing and rudeness doesn't deserve respect. Maybe you can go there and give them a piece of your mind too.

At September 21, 2008 at 7:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The View "is a show staffed by Leftovers. Old Walters, Old Behar, Old Goldberg, nobody wants them anymore. They are hasbeens. So all they have left is their big mouth and their tiny mind. YEEEKS!!!! As far as Campbell Brown (CNN)is concerned, she used to be a fairly decent person, but now she has totally declined. She really fits well into that whole CNN outfit, Ted Turner at his best. No wonder Jane Fonda left him.--- Looks like Sarah Palin and John McCain are attracting huge crowds (20.000 and more) everywhere, lets be hopeful they will prevail come Nov.-- We certainly don't deserve another 4 yrs. of Highway robbery, which we would get with Obama, take from the taxpayer, to give to the lazy bums.--Socialism in motion !!!!!!!

At September 22, 2008 at 12:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I often wonder why the TV Media allows such Tarts as Campbell Brown, Andrea Mitchell, etc. to interview People. These women have absolutely no class, no intellect, are so biased, they make a fool of themselves. A typical example of Brown's stupidity was when she interrogated Tucker Bounds and Lynn Forester de Rothschild. It was nauseating to see how intellectually poor Campbell Brown really is. ELITISM is an attitude of Superiority, has nothing to do with money, you can be poor as a churchmouse, and still be an ELITIST.--- I've never seen an elitist attitude with John McCain or Sarah Palin, they are both regular people, who enjoy the american dream, down to earth, common sense, ready to reach out and make this nation and its people healthy again.-- Compared to Obama, who has a MESSIAH complex, who's SUPERIOR to us bitter, religion clinging fools... Read the book "The Obama Nation", it'll tell you all about this gigantic Con-Man...

At September 22, 2008 at 9:11 AM , Blogger Greenconsciousness said...

"We certainly don't deserve another 4 yrs. of Highway robbery, which we would get with Obama, take from the taxpayer, to give to the lazy bums.--Socialism in motion !!!!!!! "

Wait a minute --- who deregulated Wall St so they could form huge monopolies and make sub prime loans? McCain's claim to fame over the last 20 years is as an advocate for deregulation of the financial industry starting with the S&Ls, an experience from which he learned nothing except how to weasel out of responsibility and accountability. Which is exactly what the institutions he deregulated are doing right now. No accountability or responsibility. Japan is buying them . They are seen as very profitable as the US taxpayers are assuming their bad debts which McCain's deregulation allowed them to acquire. Now he supports giving those debts to the taxpayers.

McCain's deregulation allowed the elites to rob the taxpayers blind and now he is participating in this latest socialistic bail out of corporate thieves. McCain is robbing the taxpayers and rewarding his CEO billionaire friends. There will not be any criminal charges because McCain's deregulation allowed them to exploit the poor and desperate legally. Contracts were impossible to read by lawyers and now people with high school educations are being called greedy because they did not understand the double talk of the crooks who sold them bad credit deals.

At September 23, 2008 at 9:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This article discusses the ties between Penny Pritzker and Obama. She is the one who actually thought up "sub-prime mortgages." She is among Obama's closest advisers and initimately invovled in controlling the money that flows into his campaign. To think that Obama would cross her is unthinkable!

At September 23, 2008 at 11:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

greenconscious: Get a clue. McCain warned about this impending crisis years ago and the Dems would do nothing (as usual). If you want to gripe to someone, do so with Barney Frank and Chris Dip, oh excuse me, Dodd.

Why don't you check on where Obama's money comes from and who the grim reapers of the big exit salaries are with relation to Obama and then come back on this site and try sounding intelligent for a change.

"Democrats Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, Jamie Gorelick, Penny Pritzker, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank are robbing the American taxpayer, . . . "

And just think, they are either friends of Obama or work on his campaign - - what a guy!

At September 23, 2008 at 4:43 PM , Blogger Greenconsciousness said...

You get a clue. You choose sides between the corporate elite Democrats and the corporate elite Repubs - maybe there is some class interest you have in common with them. I know McCains record on degegulation. What he said and what he did. This will be exposed in the debates. It does not mean I have any respect for BO. I don't. I know better. Neither side is going to represent anyone but the wealthy in this country. The sooner working class realizes they have to organize to win the class war being waged against them by both the Dems and Repubs the better it will be for all of us. The current batch of politicians and their parties have been bought. Talk to me after the bail out about your boy and why he just had to go along.

At September 23, 2008 at 5:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expect a LOT of work and a LOT of time if you wish to reclaim what was derailed decades ago. Just remember that, in many ways, the Republican Party of today IS the Democratic Party of yesterday, and the Democratic Party of today is the Communist/Socialist Party of yesterday. Even so, the Republicans, themselves, are becoming increasingly socialistic.

Many U.S. wars of the past were specifically to guard against communism/socialism. At the time, we had THOUGHT that we had won those wars, or at least protected America from some very dangerous principles.

Now, however, those same principles have become much of the driving force within our country, and our formerly capitalistic, democratic republic is now beset by many - in power and seeking power - who are completely antithetical to what we had been.


At September 23, 2008 at 6:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As usual the american taxpayer holds the bag. Never mind wich congress scoops the fat, Dem or GOP,they are all in it together, otherwise they wouldn't knock each other out trying to get elected. Can anyone think of a cushier, do nothing job than beeing an elected official??? %They sit on their tuchus day after day, debate nothing for weeks on end, come up with nothing, get paid HUGE bucks, scoop and hoodwink big fat $$$ of anything they can get their hands on, and then we the dummies, have to bail out the mess, in order for the country NOT to go belly up... There's something really rotten here, the fishes are stinking bigger and better everytime we turn on the tube, and if truth be told, we haven't seen the end yet, they'll be more rotten fishes as time goes on....

At September 23, 2008 at 10:02 PM , Blogger NPT said...

On this issue I'll trust the man that kept his word on Public Campaign Finance, not Obama.
Andi's right about Obama's associates-his economic ADVISORS Johnson and Raines are the very CEOs that ruined FANNIE and FREDDIE and Lehman...Wait, the FBI is now investigating FRAUD at these institutions, including by the former CEOs who took millions in the meanwhile. (Why does Obama take advice from these people??) I don't think deregulation in and of itself is the problem. In fact, some aspects of deregulation has actually prevented the disaster from being worse by enabling certain takeovers. Let's hope the FBI finally exposes the corruption that is still going on, since Congress will not hold hearings that would reveal Obama is at the trough big time.

At September 24, 2008 at 10:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if O’Biden’s continued gaffs are a set-up so he can withdraw and Hillary can step in as V.P. If so, why would she want to? I would be so disappointed in her covering their butts once again that I would reconsider voting for her in 2012. The DNC is pimping her out all over the country to try and recover their lead but a large portion of Hillary supporters cannot be swayed. I’ve read articles and blogs on “no quarter”, et al, that basically say the same thing. If she would decide to accept their carrot of V.P. and they lost, I don’t think she would have any chance of running for POTUS in 2012 and winning.

It would also say something about Obama’s choices, wouldn’t it? - - and who wants a President that cannot make the right decision first time around, or even the second. Will he dither on the economy and foreign policy leaving us in a worse situation than we are at present? We need action, not someone that has “to think about it for awhile”.

At September 24, 2008 at 11:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty much coming from a middle-class family and barely hanging onto middle-class as we speak, I do not resent people who have risen above my status due to hard work and ingenuity. I don’t want them taxed out of existence as a large number of our workers have jobs due to their ambition. I don’t want the larger companies’ capital gains taxes sending them to foreign countries where they are welcomed with opened arms.

Having said that: Why would anyone be dense enough to believe that small business owners $250,000 and up, would be the ones to suffer from an increase in taxes? They would just increase the price on their product and continue on as if nothing significant happened. However, instead of raising their product by $.10 to cover this tax increase, they will probably consider a $.50 increase to hedge against future assaults on their profits, i.e., cost of living and more taxation. Now the small taxed business owner will be making more than he was before - - so who is really going to be paying the tax increase? You guessed it, us, as usual. Not just “us” the middle-class, but “us” the lower-income families as well.

Why do lower and middle-class families believe that Obama/Biden are present-day Robin Hood’s taking from the rich and giving to the poor? They are the rich, and they plan to stay that way

At September 24, 2008 at 5:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Blog is so juvenile. Get over yourselves. You want us to turn this country over to the same people who got us here, just because you are upset your candidate in the primary didn't have total control over her people. Then lost. IDIOTS!!!!! I hope that McCain does become president and all of you lose your jobs and homes and cannot feed your children. You are cutting off your nose to spite your face!

At September 24, 2008 at 6:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Poor and the Middle class ever since Dickens' days have been the ones that get screwed, just read OLIVER TWIST, same damn' thing we are experiencing right now, just different phrasology.- thats about the only thing we've advanced in our culture, changing words and their meaning.--Workethics have NOT changed, there are always THE HAVES and the HAVE NOTS. and guess who will always have to carry the burden of screw-ups, it darn sure isn't the HAVE's. They'll always make sure that nothing changes in their lives, besides they don't give a damn' about us, we are just unnessessary baggage to be dealt with.- Right now they're pondering the present demise, well guess what, by the time they come up with an answer, some foreign country somewhere might make them an offer they can't resist, and all is well again, and the fat cats will continue to make sure their larder remains full.NOTHING ever changes, regardless how urgent they push for this or for that, all always remains the same, just different words, different century....

At September 24, 2008 at 6:25 PM , Blogger Greenconsciousness said...

"I wonder if O’Biden’s continued gaffs are a set-up so...

(Q) Who says they are "gaffs"?
(A) The media.

Are you really going along with that? Even if he is NOT your candidate, can't you see the value of someone speaking the truth, even if it is not to his advantage? I think the world would be better with less spin and more honest expression. I think politicians who say what they think should be valued. I think the media are a bunch of shallow , ignorant cheerleader types. Their idea of a gaff comes straight from Russ Limbaugh's talking points.

At September 24, 2008 at 6:39 PM , Blogger Greenconsciousness said...


I am so with you on hoping for a criminal investigation. But don't hold your breath for widespread prosecutions. It is the politician' CEO FRIENDS who did this and the politicians who rigged the laws so they could. Their class and their kind, one hand washes the other. Both parties are corporate enablers and it was deregulation that created this economic so called crises. Which they can't wait to "solve" by bailing out their friends before a new male takes the presidency. This way the new guy can say the votes been cast, I must follow it. One or 2 of the boys may take one for the team but they will never put all the thieves in jail.

THEY ARE ABOUT TO DO IT AGAIN. Socialize the losses of their class. We have died without medical care, they still say no money for SS and now they have TRILLIONS to buy Wall St's fraudulent debts. WISE UP BEFORE YOU ARE LIVING IN THE GUTTER STANDING IN SOUP LINES.

At September 24, 2008 at 7:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real problem here is that you so called "Hilary Supporters" were supporting an idea-one that she would be the first female president, and it sickens me that Mr. McCain can pull you in by selecting a female VP elect. He was basically calling every female in the country stupid, thinking he could sway votes by picking a female VP. But it looks like he wasn't that stupid, because it appears to be pulling votes to his side! The problem with this country is the ignorant people of this very mindset, that are looking at gender and race in this election. I was a Hilary supporter, but more importantly a Democrat. I am sorry you hate your counrty and cannot see what this election means. Perhaps you have been sleeping for the past 8 years, but I have not, and I have NEVER in my life been scared of what my future holds, or doesn't hold based on the situation my country is in. I have always been a proud American, but if McCain is elected, then we deserve what happens, because of the IGNORANCE of so called Americans that truly care about their country. I had to move 2000 miles from my home because my husband's job was in jeopardy in NW Ohio- it was in Jeopardy b/c of the fall of the Big 3 in Detroit, and I am sure I do not have to mention the mess that city and surrounding area is in. And if John McCain wins, the reason is mostly because of people like you, and because of racists. I know a Democratic volunteer that makes phone calls to registered Democrats, and hears on a daily basis "The party turned against me when they nominated a black man". This again points the finger at ignorance. And, how exactly does the fact that McCain was a POW make him IN ANY WAY QUALIFIED to be president. It's irrelovent. Who would you want running the country if something were to happen to the President- Biden or Palin? Palin has too many ghosts in her closet that haven't been revealed to convince me in ANY way that she is "ready". Get your heads out of you own behinds, and take a look at the REAL situation this country is in, and WHY it is that way. The last time the country was prosperous was when Bill Clinton was in office. THAT'S A FACT.
BTW, I am a 28 year old, white female, currently living in Nevada.

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