Monday, May 19, 2008

About Us

We are a group of Ohio voters who came together during the Ohio primary to make sure that the Hillary Clinton presidential bid would go on. We worked hard to give Hillary a 10-point victory on March 4. It was a splendid evening. People said that she wouldn't survive without a victory in Ohio. Well, as things progressed, the slings and arrows that were slung at Hillary were growing worse by the hour. The language used against her was despicable, the misogyny unbelievable. We had thought that we were never going to see anything like this again, the sexism. But it became apparent with every passing hour that the Obama campaign combined with the media were inventing new ways to attack and humiliate Hillary. Just when we thought a new low had been reached, the bar continued to get lower and lower. President Clinton And Senator Clinton were swiftboated----made out to be racists, a ridiculous and very shameful accusation. And through it all, the Democratic party was silent.

As we campaigned in other states, we continued to meet people who shared our anger at this inhumane treatment. We decided that we needed to speak up on Hillary's behalf. As people who live in an important battleground swing state, we have a unique voice. We decided to let the superdelegates and the DNC know that we represent millions of Democrats all over the county who will NOT vote for Obama under any circumstances.

We absolutely DO NOT believe that this race is over. The convention votes have not been officially cast. So we are working to do and say what we can to ensure Hillary will be our nominee for president. This race is not over, stay tuned!!!


At June 10, 2008 at 6:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The race is not over and I will not vote for Obama.

At June 11, 2008 at 6:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just watched your video interview and would like to tell both of you that I totally agree. I am not a Democrat but I admire Senator Clinton and I like her . She deserves better treatment from her own party. I have been to the 30 or so web sites of patriotic Americans rooting for Hillary and against sen. Obama. Please keep up the good work. We are very very worried for the future of this country. Why is nobody talking about the radical Soros ( supporting Obama?? Soros left communist Hungary and all he wants to do is bring socialist ideas to America. Our whole way of life is being threatened. I am shocked at the bias from the MSNBC . Where is the outrage against the rantings of Chris Matthews??Please keep up the good work. I admire your courage!! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!GOD BLESS YOU!

At June 11, 2008 at 5:23 PM , Blogger realsister said...

Barack Obama is the "presumptive" nominee. Presumptions can be overcome. We need to pressure the media to provide full coverage of the true Barack Obama, including his relationship IN DETAIL with Tony Rezko. If it becomes obvious he is unelectable by August in Denver, Hillary Clinton will be our nominee and our next President. This surely is worth working for.

At June 11, 2008 at 5:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for this website.
Let it be know that I will not support a party and a candidate that stood silent while Hillary was getting mistreated. It has been 4 days and 5 hours since Hillary left the race and BO has still not come out and step up for the mistreated she got

At June 12, 2008 at 4:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an interesting website/blog. I didn't realize what morons there are in this world until I heard the "founders" of this organization interviewed stating they were putting their support behind Senator McCain solely because Hillary lost and they are angry with Senator Obama. Just look at the last few posts. "She deserves better treatment from her own party" Better treatment? SHE LOST moron! Okay, the prior blog entry... full coverage of Obama including his relationship with Tony Rezko. Again, another moron. Look, if you want to go there, we can really open up a bag of worms with Hillary. Let's talk Whitewater. Or how about her former business partner who died from a gunshot wound to the head and it was ruled a suicide. Or Ed Wiley, another partner of Clinton, who was ALSO found dead from a gunshot wound to the head, ALSO ruled a suicide. James Bunch and James Wilson, both with ties to Whitewater who ALSO were found dead from gunshot wounds and.... you guessed it, both ruled suicides. Okay, I could go on, but if you want to bring up someone's "shady" past or associations, do you REALLY think Hillary would have fared better? And if the best you can do is bring up Rezko, someone better check their facts. Federal prosecutors even said that Senator Obama was not involved in ANY improper action or wrongdoing. In this day and age of media on top of every little thing celebrities/politicians do, don't you think if there was something inappropriate, they would have discovered it and made it VERY public? I am SO tired of people voting for someone solely based upon race or gender in this election and you morons are 100% guilty of voting for NO other reason than to get a woman in office. You could care less that she is completely corrupt and unscrupulous. Shame on you for slandering Senator Obama and shame on you if you are a true Democrat and switching to Obama simply because you are a BIG WHINER! I in fact, am NOT a Democrat, but I am SO tired of listening to liars and hypocrites! However, you morons are clearly in the minority so I guess I really haven't much to worry about. But as much as you want your voice heard, I want you to hear mine!!!

At June 12, 2008 at 8:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

SparklestheClown here: Everyone of you are right! While I have been a McCain supporter from the start, I watched with horror at the unfair and frenzied manner in which Hillary was treated. She outperformed, outdebated, and totally outsubstanced Obama. (In the past I have voted for Dem candidates-vote my conscience) She was treated unfairly by the media, but most important by the DNC and Dem Party leadership. They hurried Obama over the line, using Superdelegates, and once again jumping over the voters! Even before the last two states were done, they insured Obama with superdelegates! Sadly, they kicked their best candidate to the curb. 1/2 voters only in Fl. and Mich. That was raw. Counting some for Obama. Not revoting when others offered to pay. Pelosi, Reid, Dean pushing and adding pressure to have her quit. What WAS THAT ALL ABOUT? THEY HAD MADE UP THEIR MINDS, AND WANTED TO CONTROL THE OUTCOME! Pres. Carter and Nancy Pelosi, commenting to make people swing, while they visited other unfriendly nations, against the advise of our administration. Would they want that to happen if they were in office? It almost felt like treason. Has everyone lost their minds?? I was saddened by the treatment of Hillary by the Obama campaign, the media, and by the Dem. Party! So said, I emailed numerous media stations over and over as each debate came and went. I watched a travesty and I thought I was the only one seeing it. Thanks for showing me I am not totally crazy. Gammy Sparkles

At June 12, 2008 at 10:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares about the issues? Or the other states that voted? Or staying in a war in Iraq? Or anything remotely important to this country

women lets get our respect back by blindly voting for john mccain out of spite!

At June 12, 2008 at 11:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am willing to focus on 2012 for Hillary and vote for McCain in November. The media and Howard Dean threw Hillary under the bus. It is an opportunity to show the power of women and back McCain for now to keep Obama from the White House.

At June 12, 2008 at 12:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see that Obama supporters have managed to get on this blog, but it wont help because Hillary supporters will not fall in line in November. If she is not on the ballot, then we vote for John McCain.
I've heard the tales about Wade vs. Roe but, he can't overturn anything by himself and he can't do to much with a democratic oongress so we are not worried.

At June 12, 2008 at 1:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can understand being upset about hillary losing, but how could any strong independent woman support mccain who has a horrible record with women's rights? it's like voting to push us back 20 years because we didn't get our girl. at least obama has very similar stances to clinton. let's use some common sense.

At June 12, 2008 at 2:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with the 10:12 AM "anonymous" above.
Come on people, let's be logical. Which candidate stands with us on the issues, and which candidate is a right-wing extremist?
I'm disappointed too that Hillary did not win. We can discuss why she didn't win, i.e. what role the media, the party, and the voters played in the loss. Fine. But the answer is not to vote for McCain.

Neither an Obama win nor a McCain win sends a strong message to my daughter that yes, she can be president someday.
Unfortunately, that is now off the table. So now our choices must be defined by the issues. Our choice is between Obama, whose issue stances is very similar to those of Clinton, and McCain, who wants to make the world an extremely hostile place for my daughter.
I have not and will not drink the Obama kool-aid, but I WILL vote for Obama in November, and for other candidates all the way down the ballot with whom I stand on the issues.

At June 12, 2008 at 4:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been sickened by news media that has sprewed spit along with opinions against Hillary, and listened to those whose legs tingled over Obama. My news channel has now changed. I treasure Hillary Clinton. I watched the day she walked across the White House lawn with Bill and Chelsa after the Lewinksy nightmare,and my pride in her strength has never waivered. Her resolve is her strength. She is a magnificent woman who would make a great commander in chief of these United States, and a president to be reckoned with. Wake up America, and DNC and put the most qualified person in office, that is Hillary Rodam Clinton!! I really don't want to put a 'John McCain' sign in my yard, so wake up Democrats for Hillary!!

At June 12, 2008 at 7:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until BO puts his money where his mouth is on "UNIFYING THE PARTY" by nominating Senator Clinton as his VP NOW, I will write in Clinton in Nov. Better yet, she should run as an Independent -- it worked well for Leiberman here!

At June 12, 2008 at 9:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you want to go forward, put it on D -- if you want to go backwards, put it in R."

A great woman said that. It saddens me that people who support Hillary Clinton will not heed her calls for unity.

And may I remind you of the time when Senator McCain was confronted with the question, "How do we beat the bitch," in regard to Senator Clinton.
His response: "That's an excellent question."

I would only ask that Democrats who feel slighted keep a level head and really think about the Presidential candidates before choosing.


At June 13, 2008 at 5:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because you are mad of the fact that Obama is the presumptive nominee he is and will be the Next President of the United States of America. Do you people really want another four years of Bush's policies? Let's just face it folks you really don't want to see a black man in the Presidential seat. If it was a white man this site would have never been created. It's really sad that our nation is still divided under the evil tactics of racism. Even after 40 years when Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King was assassinated you have these ignorant people who just can't get over the fact that a Black Man is probably going to be next President of the United States of America. This is really sad. So don't be crying when you find out that things in this country will get even much harder and economically burdensome because you voted to put McCain in the Presidential Seat. People, do you really want to stay in a war with Iraq and want this nation to continue spending 12 billion dollars a month for a War that is stupid? People, do you really want to vote for a President that does'nt care for the voices of America and the issues that plaque this country? People, do you really want to vote for somebody that does'nt care for the working class or the poor, but care's only for the rich? This is the most ignorant site I've ever been. This is the most divided site I've ever been. This is the same division that is in Washington and Barack Obama is going to change it. May God Bless You All.

At June 13, 2008 at 12:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a Hillary backer and am disappointed that she isn't going to get the nomination. But I am a Democrat and in good conscience I cannot and I will not vote for the Republican McCain. I'm taking my cues from Hillary whom I greatly respect and I will back the Democratic candidate, Obama. I will not get caught up in a game of spite which might keep this country in the hands of a Republican President

At June 13, 2008 at 12:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Hillary is not the nominee or at least the VP candidate I will vote for McCain.
I will not write in Hillarys name because a vote for McCain will count more against BO.
I will NOT vote for Obama.

At June 13, 2008 at 3:09 PM , Blogger dlkincaid said...

I am so tired of being called Angry - when if I were a male - they would call me assertive. I too will not vote for Obama, but voting for any DNC will be doubtful. Howard Dean and his minnons helped destroy the Clintons. Obama's hands are not clean. The way he was so disrespectful (brushing off the shoulders). The dnc is as bad as the gop (this time worst) - they don't need my vote, they really never wanted it. I am a 62 year old Black female and proud (not to be a follower of the masses, but can think for myself.)

At June 14, 2008 at 12:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain and the Republicans are more sexist than Senator Obama or even the mainstream media were or will likely ever be. Don't waste the chance to change something good about America, and don't use an excuse to put McCain in line for a third Bush presidency.

Thank you,
Concerned Democratic Voters of America

At June 14, 2008 at 9:33 PM , Blogger republicanfeminist said...

I am into having a national boycott of MSM or as I call it Male Political Media.

At June 15, 2008 at 1:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the obamabutts are in force today I see. Ok, we are supporters of Hillary Clinton, we are NOT however, party ideologues. We will not vote for a man who is totally unqualified to be the leader of the free world and the only remaining super power. We will not embrace Barack Obama JUST because he is a Democrat. How stupid would that be? Since when does having the description of being a Democrat make you qualified? Make you capable? Make you intelligent? If it did, then all of your Obamabutts would have voted for Clinton since she was the intelligent choice. So that kind of defeats that arguement doesn't it? We don't fear McCain, he is a known quantity, and he has over 20 years of experience in the US Senate. Obama has TWO. There is no comparison there. We don't fear Roe v Wade, if Bush who was a candidate of the Christian Evengelicals, and the extreme Religious Right couldn't touch it, how could McCain? And since when is Roe v Wade the be all and end all of qualifications to be President? So, no, we aren't going to vote Obama just because the Dems were stupid enough to nominate him, and no we aren't irresponsible enough to elect him President when he only has 2 freaking years of experience in the US Senate. Carter had more experience than he does, and look what that brought us.

At June 15, 2008 at 5:10 PM , Blogger dlkincaid said...

Thanks for the advice. I have fought my last fight against the GOP and don't have the energy nor the inclination to FIGHT THE DNC.

At June 16, 2008 at 2:56 PM , Blogger eebaltimore said...

Great comment, "June 15, 2008 1:17 PM - Anonymous" !!! I totally agree. I think there will be fireworks at the convention. I think this because never in my life have I seen such horrid treatment of the most qualified candidate (Hillary), and the ridiculous, cult-like glorification of the super-underqualified candidate (Obama). It just defies belief! Not only the media, but our own party, treated 18 million of its supporters disgracefully. Now, instead of trying to bring us back into the fold (emails? letters?) they reportedly stand around wringing their hands, saying, "Oh, they'll get over it by November. They'll support Obama in the end..."
NO WE WON'T-- Dean & Pelosi: Go pound sand!

At June 16, 2008 at 3:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loyalty. I have been a staunch Dem since I was 10 years old growing up in a bar raised by an Irish Catholic Father. My first campaign was for McGovern. I have often felt that I was more a DEMOCRAT then a Catholic. That's the bottom line with why I can't get over my outrage.

I can't get over the sense that I have been personally violated by the party that I grew up defending.

I Defended my party every election year against mean spirited bigoted and mostly ignorant people who voted for the other side. I actually would look at these folks and say to them how is it that you don't know who you are. Working class, Black, Female, Gay, Elderly...yet they would fundamentally not now who they were and where they stood on the food chain. That they were inherently part of our party.

I've remembered the last time my loyalty had been this tested and my anger with regard to my Party and Party Leaders. That was when a Democratic Hero, in 1980, named Ted Kennedy screwed the party with what he did to damage our sitting Democratic President. Yes I remember how Angry I was at him because of what he did to "THE PARTY". Isn't it IRONIC that again he actually is in part responsible for turning the tide when he made the decision to PROPEL OBAMA to the parties Presidential Candidate of choice. I think to myself why is that why did he do it. Was he coming to some realization that the Kennedy Dynasty of real political change might not live on after him, therefore needing to change the nation with his final great contribution to us as King Maker for Obama.

Or was it that he just couldn't take the fact that if Hillary became the president, the Clinton's would have held the office twice while he could never get there.

Does it come down to these types of personal demons that make people do things that they know will hurt the party. That they know shows how blatantly disloyal their actions are.

My anger and outrage and sense of being personally violated is also because of the DNC chairman, the Rules Committee and most of the delegates who acted completely dishonorably to the party. Further their disloyalty is an insult to me because they never could have even been on that committee if it weren't for the Clinton's. That's right all those who were appointed by Bill Clinton were appointed to ensure that our party would be represented with the make up of our demographic of men and Women, Black and White, Connected and Unconnected, Young and Old, Disabled etc. etc. Well they didn't represent me they insulted me and my ideals of who we Democrats were. I knew by the time the rules committee met Hillary was not likely to get the nomination because Ted Kennedy and the Party Leaders and the media and the commentators had ensured it with there behind the scenes coup to PROPEL Obama. But that didn't mean they couldn't do the right thing and get the votes appropriated justly for Florida and Michigan. Which of course they will now in the name of OBAMA.

Finally I'm outraged and angry and feel personally violated by NBC's Tim Russert, Oberman, Mathews, Andrea Mitchell to name the most deceitful and vicious offenders of political journalism let alone fairness and actually news reporting rather than Gossip that constantly told viewers like me that the Clinton Campaign leaders knew it was over etc. etc. IT was so hard for me to see people I had previously respected and credited with integrity to absolutely trash Hillary and Bill Clinton.

I was always voted for my party. I did it faithfully marching to the polls voting for candidates that I haven't always been in love with but were my Party's candidate. Not any more I am most accurately a Clintonite no longer can I say I am a Democrat.

Someone must create a Women’s Party because they will continue to hijack our party and we have no place else to go. We can never let this happen again we must make a statement and start a movement. We must do this in order to tell the world and Democate’s too that we women took care of them all these years and we know they will never take care of us in kind. It doesn't mean that we won't agree with their candidates but at least we could be a reckoning force.

I never knew how important it was that I grew up in Seneca Falls NY, Home of Elizabeth Cady Staton.

At June 16, 2008 at 10:33 PM , Blogger one4all said...

I agree with judyb...The message is clear that Dean & the DNC want Obama and to them, Hillary, the most electable and experienced for the job, was only an obsticle not to be taken seriously. The DNC has shown its true colors. I will never support Obama. We all need to work together to show the DNC that we still have a voice. I'm with you.......

At June 17, 2008 at 1:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, women for fair politics! Thank you! Let's keep on fighting for our rights! I do not even support a VP spot for Hillary. Why VP? Why the second spot again? It is either Hillary this fall or anybody but Obama! It is our time to show our power - let's deliver a victory to Hillary or MaCain so that we will never be underestimated again!

At June 17, 2008 at 1:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will either write Hillary in, or not vote.

I'm not as angry with Hillary losing as the DNC and MSM pushing her out!

I am changing my affiliatin to "independent" beause of it.

I refuse to be led around by the nose and told whom to vote for.

They made a big mistake by choosing Obama over Hillary.

It's almost like the DNC is running a campaign against the American people. They're using sleazy tactics to "reform" and sway us to lean to their way of thinking.

I'm not stupid, and I'm not buying it for one minute

They pushed Hillary out and threw under the bus.

Let's push back!


At June 24, 2008 at 2:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've voted Democrat(ic) for almost 40 years. I quit the party in early January when Donna Brazille, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and a bunch of other Obama supporters decided to divide the Democratic party by calling Bill Clinton a racist. So far they've called Bill, Geri Ferraro, Ed Rendell, Joe Biden and Hillary 'racists' and it makes me sick. If Barack Obama had been an adult and told his supporters to stop the race baiting and had denounced the lies about his supposed opponents being "racist" I would have admired him and supported him. Now, I probably have a dozen other reasns for not liking him. I will not vote for him again for any reason (I voted for him as my senator). I won't vote for John McCain but I won't vote for Barack Obama.
I was a Deaniac in 2004 and spent at least 750 hours working on his campaign in Iowa. I am still in shock at his behavior regarding the sexism and misogny and how he allowed the Party Bosses to steal 4 delegates from Hillary and hand them to Obama along with giving him ALL of the undeclared votes! The Democrats topped the Republicans for crooked elections with that one!
Marie R. Ruth

At June 24, 2008 at 9:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe the way Hillary has been treated this entire time. She deserves so much better than this from the biased media and the DNC. Hillary would've been a way better president than Obama. I can't believe people can just ignore the fact that he went to a racist, anti-american church for 20 years! They also apparently haven't heard about his associations with terrorists. Combine those with the fact that he won't say the Pledge of Allegience and his inexperience and you have a recipe for the worst president ever! I am totally willing to vote for McCain if it means keeping Obama away from the White House and giving Hillary a fair shot in 2012.

At June 26, 2008 at 10:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a life-long "male" democrat who agrees with your position 100%. This year will be the first time in my life I will not vote for a Democrat for President. It pains me to see how the media, and the Obama campaign treated Hillary. Obama's comment about her as little Annie Oakley when she expressed her experience re: firearms was 100% sexist and arrogant. Obama as president - only job I know you can have with little or no experience - what has become of our country.

At June 26, 2008 at 10:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Hillary supporter from Maryland and I am still upset from the way the DNC, the Obama campaign,and the media treated Hillary. The media continues to bash the Clintons at every turn and I find that the democratic party has done very little to defend them. I am not interesting the unity party! I will change my party affiliation to "Independent" I refuse to vote for Obama and will vote for MaCain. This is a protest vote! Did I mention that I am an African American?

At June 26, 2008 at 11:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If women for fair politics really has 18 million people, why not everyone voting for Hillary anyway in the election. That would be better than voting for McCain and it would thumb your nose at the national party. Spread the word.

At June 26, 2008 at 11:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

CNN reporters were everybit as bad. I wrote them constantly about their biased reporting but it still continued. I have chosen not to watch them any more. The one reporter, Gloria was often mean and spiteful. I was shocked by most (not all) of the women reporters comments. How aweful and unfair they were. I personally feel the media manipulated the information to the masses and lost the election for Hillary. Vote for Hillary in November anyway!

At June 27, 2008 at 1:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your appearance on CNN, for giving me a voice at last. I take inspiration in Senator Clinton in not baking down, in standing for what I believe is fair and what I believe is good for the country. Like her, I will not be bullied into "being a good little girl". I will vote my conscience, that is I will not vote along with a party which so blatently refused the victory to an over qualified woman because they could not own her, and rather pushed forwards against the will of majority of voters, an inexperienced, flipfloper, chicago politician they could later claim to have made. It is the old boys network at its best again, and all those younger women ridding on our shoulders have yet to learn the painfull lesson we thought we could have spared them. But it is a long way to the elections. Time to be vocal again. A lot can happen until then.

At June 27, 2008 at 1:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked LIKE A DOG for Hillary in AL, Tx, PA, KY and would you believe I drove from my home at 2am getting to Indiana at 9:30 a.m. and immediately hit the streets doing door to door cavassing FOR HILLARY. I would do it again (and I can't wait for her to run in 2012), but I WOULDN'T VOTE FOR BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA for nothing in this world. My family and friends say I am not a die-hard Democrat and I say to them to go to hell because I sure AM NOT!! My candidate is Hillary and I won't VOTE for McCain, but I SURELY WON'T WASTE MY TIME GOING TO THE POLLS FOR BARACK, so I know that my vote is an automatic McCain vote. I don't care what I have to put up with economically, war related or anything else with McCain in office, I REFUSE to vote for Obama. I don't know him, I don't care to know him, and I don't care if Hillary is nice enough to ask us to get behind him, I WILL NOT. I believe that just like Hillary was pushed to hurry up and endorse him, she was pushed to try and get us on his side. I'm not thinking about any of them "happy-go-lucky democrats." I am Black, a Music teacher, a mother, grandmother and I am proud to stand alone among my family members supporting Hillary. I wake up everyday turning on my tv hoping to hear something NEW and bad that shows America who Barack really is. I am hoping that before the Convention he proves more and more that he is not the ONE for the White House, and the DNC will have to ask his behind to step down. BOOM! In pops my girl!! This is my prayer daily and nightly.

At June 27, 2008 at 1:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a dem. I will be voting for McCain. The DNC and the media throw Hillary and woman under the bus. It's time to vote for McCain and lets stand together and throw Obama, the media, and the DNC back under the bis were they belong. The media trashed woman until they discover Nobama now needs our votes, never, I will never vote for NOBAMA!

At June 27, 2008 at 6:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be my guest and vote for McCain. We Republicans will love all of you for throwing Obama under the bus after he so callously threw Hillary under the bus. We are so happy to see that the circular firing squad of the Democrat Party is still operating. And screw those women who remain loyal to the Democrat Party when they lose in November and face the certainty of a clincher vote on the SCOTUS for the end of RoeVWade by a pro-life McCain White House. They will not have the satisfaction that you switchers will enjoy in knowing that you made it possible and got your revenge on the Democrat Party and their pro-abortion supporters. And of course you will be able to brag that McCain ended the Iraq War after 100 years as he promised the American peoploe during his campaign. Oh what fun we will have in defeating that sexist
Barack Obama.

At June 27, 2008 at 12:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess unfortunately this website is going to be like a few others I've tried to support. My comments never show up. They are not offensvie so I don't understand why they don't.

Anyhow, as to the Roe vs. Wade issue. That's not all women care about and I don't believe it will be overturned anyway no matter who is on the Supreme Court. The outcry would be too much so Obama supporters should stop trying to use that argument.

At June 27, 2008 at 12:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the fourth time in my lifetime that the DNC has selected a nominee not backed by the base of the party---Stevenson, Stevenson, McGovern, Obama) The first three lost miserably. I feel that is what the DNC did this time-Obama did not win--he was selected!!!!! Hillary won the popular vote and those states primarily Democratic. Forget Obama's win of the Caucus states--the Caucus plan is fraudulent --votes are not even counted. And then the Party just appropriated four of Hillary's dlegates to Obama---Shades of the RNC to say the least.

I am indignent at the treatment of Hillary by the media, many Democratic elected offoficals and especially the DNC.

Rather than vote for McCain I will either write in her name if possible on my ballot or I will leave that portion blank. And nothing will change my mind---

At June 27, 2008 at 12:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To answer the last comment left by a so-called Republican: Enough of your sexist diminushing views of women voters! Women have a brain and contrary to the still common belief they do not scare easily. Roe vs. Wade is not an issue anymore. Why? Because if the Supreme Court wanted to overturned it, it could. And because they do not do it, not for the fear of thousand of women brandishing clothes hangers on the steps of the Court or marching on the Washington Mall, but for the certainty that before long they would be called every name in the book but every member of the Republican Congress and structure. Because We The Women KNOW HOW TO WRITE CHECKS. In the past 40 years since Roe, we have come to raise family on our own, live on our own, run successful businesses on our own. And for the past 3 elections we have made the President on our own. To all the desicion makers of both parties who are of those generations still under the belief they run the game, the 4 Michigan votes the DNC took from a woman to give to its chosen prince will come back to hunt you!

At June 27, 2008 at 11:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please continue your great work. I am so tired of working every day -- 12 and 14 hours -- just to keep up with the economy and make ends meet and I am failing. Hillary cared about working people and now look what happened. She was railroaded. I completely want to see Senator McCain as President in 2008 now that Hillary is gone. Please know that you are not alone. I would write Hillary's name in but I think supporting McCain is best in the long run in light of the alternative. I want to be one less for Obama -- please, everyone who feels this way -- take to the streets and do whatever you have to do to support McCain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At June 28, 2008 at 8:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fair politics seems to me to have four components: the political process, the political parties, the political candidates and the political media which influences public perception. Clearly the political media was overtly sexist during this campaign. But, we also need to focus on the political process. Since 1979, the Democratic party has required that women be equally represented at their convention, so 50% of the Democratic delegates will be women. That is an important part of the process since the party platform is decided at the convention. Women have yet to be represented in equal numbers at the Republican convention. And, as a result, women's perspectives are under-represented in the Republican platform. In addition to equal representation at the convention, I would also like to see each state have a party co-chair, one woman and one man. The idea of party co-chairs has been implemented in other countries where women have made more progress in getting elected to the national legislatures as well as moving into the top spot.

At June 29, 2008 at 8:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I can't vote for McCain.
However I will write-in Hillary's name on the ballot if Minnesota voting rules allow it. If they tell me a write in will automatically go to Obama I will cast my vote on a piece of paper and send it in to the DNC.

I hope those of you can't vote Republican will check your state's write-in rules and join me. Write-in Hillary or send your ballot to the DNC if your state won't allow write-ins.

At July 1, 2008 at 9:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At July 11, 2008 at 3:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In re: core values...Please look at the LA Times article on McCain that was published July 11th. Court documents submitted during his divorce by McCain himself contradict his claims that he was already separated from his wife when he started up with a woman 20 years younger than him. And this was after she'd not only loyally waited for the MIA's return -- he left her only a few years after she had a car accident that broke her pelvis, some limbs, and necessitated multiple surgeries. How's that for values?

I'm angry and bitter, too, but supporting McCain only hurts the very causes that drew your support of Hillary to begin with.

Under different circumstances, I would have been happy to have Senator Obama as my party's candidate. Because of what happened, however, I'm so disenchanted, I skip the political coverage these days. But on election day, as discouraged as I am, I will vote for the guy, hope for the best.

Next time, we'll be ready, and we won't keep our mouths shut until it's too late. In the meantime, I sent a check to Emily's List. The more women in positions of power, the less effective this insidious kind of prejudice will be.

Hope you'll join me.


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